ever is on the Basic English 850 List.
event - ever - every
ever is one of the 1000 most common headwords.
evening - ever - every

Pronunciation change

Adverb change




  1. If I ask you if you have ever been to France, I am asking if you have been to France at any time in your life.
    Have you ever met a king or queen?
  2. Ever may also mean always.
    I will love you forever and ever.

Usage change

Where ever means "at any time" it is used mainly in questions and negatives.

  • Incorrect: I have ever been to France.
  • Correct: I have been to France.
  • Correct: I haven't ever been to France.
  • Correct: I have never been to France. ("Never" is used, not "ever")

Synonyms change

Antonyms change

Related words change