Pronunciation change

Adjective change


more faithful

most faithful

  1. If someone or something is faithful, they are loyal to a person or cause.
    My dog follows me everywhere I go. He is very faithful.
  2. If someone is faithful, they have faith in something.
    People who go to church are faithful to their God.
  3. If someone is faithful, they are able to be relied on; they are able to be trusted.
    My assistant does anything I ask him to. He is very faithful to me.
  4. If something is faithful, it is close to something real.
    That painting is a very faithful copy of the Mona Lisa.
  5. If someone is faithful, they have only had sex with their partner; they have not had sex with other people.
    They have been faithful to each other since they got married.

Antonyms change

Related words change