Pronunciation change

Noun change



  1. (countable) A fan is a thing that moves air to help people stay cool; either a small paper thing a person holds in their hand, or a machine with a part that turns fast to push the air.
    She held the fan in front of her face so people wouldn't see her smile.
    Turn on the fan! It's hot here!
  2. (countable) A fan is a person who supports another person or team.
    John is a fan of that soccer club.
    When he kicked the ball into the goal, all his fans cheered loudly.

Verb change

Plain form

Third-person singular

Past tense

Past participle

Present participle

  1. (transitive) To blow air on something, often with a fan.
    We had to fan ourselves with our programs because it was so hot and crowded in the auditorium.
    We enjoyed standing at the edge of the cliff, being fanned by the wind.
  2. (intransitive) (usually to fan out) To move or spread in many directions from one point, similar to the shape of a hand-held fan.