Pronunciation change

Verb change

Plain form

Third-person singular

Past tense

Past participle

Present participle

  1. (transitive) When you flip something, you turn it over, or you move it suddenly.
    If you flip that light switch, it will be a lot brighter in here.
    The cook flipped the pizza dough high into the air and caught it in his hands.
  2. (intransitive) When something flips, it turns over, usually quickly.
    Her car flipped over in the accident, but she wasn't hurt badly.
    The dolphin was taught to flip in the water when his trainer whistled.
  3. (slang) When you flip, you get very upset or angry.
    He said, "If I don't pass this math test, I am going to flip."
    His friend said back, "Why are you flipping out? You know you always do well in math."

Noun change



  1. (countable) A flip is a quick movement.
    With a quick flip of her wrist, she threw me the ball.
  2. (countable) When you do a flip, you jump up into the air and turn your body.
    She did a flip into the water and landed on her back.
    The dolphin did a flip and got a fish as a reward.

Adjective change


more flip

most flip

  1. (slang) If a person is flip, they act like they are not serious.
    His mother asked him, "Could you be any more flip about failing the math test? You act like you don't care about school at all."
    When his girlfriend asked him if she looked fat, his flip comment made her cry.