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The Simple English Wikipedia has an article on:
good is on the Basic English 850 List.
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good is one of the 1000 most common headwords.
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  1. When you are good, you do the right things. That is, you do things that are kind or helpful. You do not do things that hurt people or are not honest.
    He is a good person and would never steal.
    She is a good girl and always helps her mother.
  2. If something is good it is useful or helpful. This also means high quality.
    My last pair of shoes were very good, they lasted two years!
  3. If food is good it means you like the taste. This food is not likely to be spoiled or of low quality.
    Thank you for the pie; it was very good.
  4. If you had a good time, you enjoyed something.
  5. You may call something good because you like it.
    We had a good trip and liked seeing all the sights.
  6. If you are good at something, you do it well.
    She is a good swimmer; she could save you from drowning.
    He is a good worker and always gets the job done.
  7. A good sign means something good is likely to happen.
    Some people think a rainbow is a good omen, and means you will have good luck.
    If you are sick, its a good sign if your fever ends.

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  1. (uncountable) Good is the quality of being good.
    He has a lot of good in him and always helps us out.
  2. (uncountable) Good refers to the side of good (against evil and bad).
    I'm completely for good and think we should all try to do the right thing.
  3. (finance) (plural only) Goods are identical items that are produced, then traded, bought or sold, for the purpose of consumption.
    You can buy many different types of goods at the market.

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