

This is the first of the 1000-word-family lists from the count of the British National Corpus (BNC) compiled by Paul Nation.

BNC lists (edit)

Main Lists

1–1000, 1001–2000, 2001–3000, 3001–4000

Other lists


Compressed, by headwords: A–E F–M N–R S–Z

Compressed, by letter: A–E F–M N–R S–Z

Only headwords: Long and Compressed


Compressed, by headwords: A–E F–M N–R S–Z

Compressed, by letter: A–E F–M N–R S–Z

Only headwords: Long and Compressed


Compressed, by headwords: A–E F–M N–R S–Z

Compressed, by letter: A–E F–M N–R S–Z

Only headwords: Long and Compressed


Compressed, by headwords: A–E F–M N–R S–Z

Compressed, by letter: A–E F–M N–R S–Z

Only headwords: Long and Compressed

ENDTITLE a an able ability abler ablest ably abilities unable inability about absolute absolutely absolutist absolutists accept acceptability acceptable acceptably unacceptable acceptance accepted accepting accepts unacceptably account accounted accounting accounts achieve achievable unachievable achieved achievement achievements achiever achievers achieves achieving across act acted acting action inaction actions actionable acts actor actors actress actresses active actively activities activity inactive inactivity activist activists activism actual actually actuality add added adding addition additional additionally additive additives additions adds address addressed addresses addressing addressee addressees admit admission admissions admittedly admits admitted admitting admissible admissibly inadmissible admittance readmit readmitted readmitting readmits readmittance readmission admissibility admissibilities inadmissibility advertise advertising advertises advertiser advertisers advertised advertisement advertisements advertize advertizing advertizes advertizer advertizers advertized advertizement advertizements ad ads advert adverts affect affected affecting affects unaffected affectation affectations afford afforded affording affords affordable unaffordable after afterward afterwards afternoon afternoons again against age aged ages aging ageing ageism ageist ageless ager agers agent agency agencies agents ago agree agreed agreeing agreement agreements agrees agreeable agreeably disagreeably disagreements disagree disagreeable disagreed disagreeing disagreement disagrees air airy airier airiest airiness airily airless airs aired airing airings midair all allow allowance allowances allowed allowing allows allowable almost along already alright also although always America American Americans Americanise Americanised Americanising Americanisation Americanize Americanized Americanizing Americanization amount amounted amounting amounts and another answer answered unanswered answering answers answerable unanswerable any anybody anyhow anymore anyone anything anyway anywhere apart apparent apparently appear appearance appeared appearing appears appearances reappear reappears reappeared reappearing reappearance reappearances apply application applications applied applies applicable applying applicant applicants applicability applicator applicators appoint appoints appointed appointing appointments appointment reappoint reappointed reappointing reappointments reappointment reappoints appointee appointees approach approachable approached approaches approaching unapproachable appropriate appropriacy appropriately appropriateness inappropriacy inappropriate inappropriately area areas argue arguing argues argued arguable arguably unarguably argument arguments arm armed arms unarmed armful around arrange arranged arranging arranges arrangement arrangements art arts artist artistic artists artistically arty as ask asked unasked asking asks associate associates associated associating associative associatively associations association disassociate disassociated assume assumed assumes assuming assumption assumptions unassuming unassumingly at attend attends attending attended unattended attendant attendants attendance attendances attention attentions attender attenders authority authoritative authoritatively authoritativeness authorities available availability unavailability unavailable aware awareness unaware unawares away awful awfully b baby babies babyish back backed backing backs backbone backwards backward backwardness backwardnesses bad badly badness baddy baddies bag bags bagging bagged baggage baggy baggier baggiest bagginess baggily balance balancing balances balanced imbalance imbalances unbalanced unbalance unbalances unbalancing ball balls bank banked banker bankers banking banks interbank bar bars barred unbarred barring base based baseless bases basic basics basically basing basis be am are aren ain been is isn re s was wasn were weren being beings bein twas tis bear bearing bearings bearable unbearable bears bore born reborn unborn borne bearer bearers unbearably bearably beat beats beating beatings beaten unbeaten unbeatable beater beaters beauty beautiful beautifully beauties because cos coz become became becomes becoming bed bedroom bedrooms bedroomed bedding bedded beds before begin began beginner beginners beginning beginnings begins begun behind believe believed believes believing disbelief believable unbelievable unbelievably believer believers unbeliever unbelievers disbelievingly disbelieving disbelieved disbelieves disbeliever disbelievers unbelief unbelieving unbelievingly disbelieve benefit beneficial beneficially beneficiary beneficiaries benefitted benefitting benefited benefiting benefits best better betterment betterments bet betting bets between big bigger bigness biggest biggish bill bills billed billing birth births birthdays birthday bit bits black blacker blackest blackly blacken blackened blackening blackens blackness blacks blackish blacking blacked bloke blokes blood bled bleed bleeding bleeds blooded bloody bloodied bloodying bloodies bloodiness bloodless bloodlessness bloodlessly blow blew blowing blows blown blower blowers blue blueness bluer bluest bluish bluey blues board boarded boarding boards boarder boarders boat boats boated boating boatman boatmen boater boaters body bodies bodily bodied book books booklet booklets bookish both bother bothered bothering bothers bottle bottling bottles bottled unbottled bottom bottoms bottomed bottoming bottomless box boxes boy boyhood boys boyish break breaking breakage breakages breaks broke broken unbreakable outbreaks outbreak unbroken breaker breakers brief briefed briefing briefly briefs brilliant brilliantly bring bringing brings brought Britain British Brit Brits brother brothers brotherly bro bros budget budgetary budgeted budgeting budgets build builder builders building buildings builds built unbuilt rebuild rebuilding rebuilt prebuilt bus bussing buses busses bussed business businesses businessmen unbusinesslike businesslike businessman businesswoman businesswomen busy busily busiest busier busied busies busying but buy bought buying buys buyer buyers by c cake caked caking cakes call called calling calls caller callers can cannot car cars card cards care cared uncared careful carefully careless carelessness cares caring carelessly uncaring carer carers carry carried carrier carriers carries carrying case cases cat cats catlike catch catches catching caught uncaught catcher catchers catchy cause caused causes causing causation causative cent cents centre center centerist centerists centers centred centered central centralism centrally centrality centralities centres centrist centrists centralise centralises centralised centralising centralisation centralized centralize centralizes centralizing centralization certain certainly certainty uncertain uncertainties uncertainty uncertainly chair chairs chaired chairing chairman chairmen chance chanced chances chancing change changed changes changing changeable unchanged unchangeable unchangeably unchanging changer changers chap chaps chappie chappies character characteristic characteristically characteristics characterize characterized characterization characterizes characterise characterised characterises characterising characterizing characters uncharacteristic uncharacteristically charge charged uncharged charges charging charger chargers chargeable nonchargeable cheap cheapness cheaply cheapest cheaper cheapen cheapening cheapened cheapens check checks checking checked unchecked child children childish childhood childless childlike choice choices choose chooses choosing chose chosen unchosen choosy Christ Christian Christians Christianity Christendom Christmas Christmases church churches city cities claim claimed claiming claims unclaimed claimant claimants class classed classes classing classless classlessness classy classier classiest classiness subclass subclasses clean cleaned cleaner cleaners cleanest cleaning cleanly cleans cleanness cleanliness unclean uncleanliness clear cleared clearer clearest clearing clearings clearly clearness clears unclear clearance clearances client clients clock clocks clocked clocking clocker clockers oclock close closely closeness closer closest closes closed unclosed closing clothe clothes clothed clothing unclothe unclothes unclothed unclothing clothier clothiers club clubbed clubbing clubs coffee coffees cold colder coldest coldly coldness colds coldish colleague colleagues collect collects collecting collected uncollected collective collectively collector collectors collection collections collectable collectables collectivist collectivists collectivism collectivity college colleges collegiate colour color colored colorful colorfully coloring colorless colors coloured colourful colourfully colouring colourless colours coloration colouration come came comes coming comings comer comers comment commentaries commentary commented commenting comments commit commitment commitments commits committed uncommitted committee committees subcommittee subcommittees committing committal committals common commoner commoners commonest commonly commonness commons uncommon uncommonly community communities company companies co compare comparable comparably comparability incomparable compared compares comparative comparison comparisons comparing comparatively complete completed uncompleted completely completion completions completes completeness completing incomplete incompletely compute computation computational computationally computations computable computer computed computerize computerise computerising computerizing computerises computerizes computerised computerized computerisation computerization computers computing concern concerned concerning concerns unconcerned condition conditional conditionally unconditionally conditions unconditional conditioned conditioning conditioner conditioners unconditioned conditionings confer conference conferences conferencing conferred conferring confers consider consideration considerations considered unconsidered considering considers reconsider reconsiders reconsidered reconsidering reconsideration reconsiderations consult consultancy consultant consultants consultation consultations consultative consulted consults consulting contact contactable uncontactable contacted contacting contacts continue continual continually continuance continued continuity continues continuing continuous continuously continuation continuations contract contracted contracting contractor contractors contracts control controlled controller controllers controlling controls uncontrollable uncontrollably controllable uncontrolled converse converses conversed conversing conversant conversation conversations conversational conversationally conversationalist conversationalists cook cooks cooking cookers cooker cooked uncooked cookery cookeries copy copying copies copied copier copiers copyist copyists corner corners cornered cornering correct corrects correctly correcting corrected correctness correction corrections corrective incorrect incorrectly uncorrected cost costing costings costed costs costly costless could couldn council councillor councillors cllr cllrs councilor councils count counted uncounted counting countless counts countable uncountable country countries county counties couple coupled uncoupled coupling couples course courses court courts courtly courted courting cover covered covering coverings coverage covers uncover uncovered uncovers coverlet coverlets create created creates creating creation creations creative creatively creativity creator creators recreate recreated recreates recreating cross crossed crosses crossing crossings crossly crossness cup cups cupping cupped cuplike current currents currently cut cuts cutting cuttings uncut cutter cutters d dad daddy dads danger dangerous dangerously dangers endanger endangers endangered endangering endangerment endangerments date dates dated undated dating datable day daily daylight days midday goodday gidday dead deaden deadened deadening deadens deadly deal dealer dealers dealership dealerships dealing dealings deals dealt undealt dear dearer dearest dearly dears debate debatable debated debates debating decide decided decidedly decides deciding undecided decider deciders decision decisions deep deepen deepens deepened deeper deepest deeply depth depths deepening definite definitely definitive definitively indefinite indefinitely degree degrees deg department departments departmental departmentally dept depts depend depends depended depending dependant dependants dependent dependents dependable undependable dependably describe described describes indescribable indescribably describing description descriptions descriptive design designed designer designers designing designs detail detailed detailing details develop developed developer developers developing development developments developmental developmentally develops underdeveloped underdevelopment undeveloped redevelop redevelops redeveloped redeveloping redevelopment redevelopments die died dies dying undying difference differences different differently difficult difficulties difficulty dinner dinners direct directed undirected directing directly director directors directorship directorships directs indirect indirectly directness directnesses discuss discussing discusses discussed undiscussed discussion discussions district districts divide divided divides dividing undivided division divisions divider dividers do did didn does doesn doing doings don done doer doers doctor doctors dr doc docs doctoral document documentation documented undocumented documenting documents dog dogs doggy doggies door doors indoors indoor outdoors outdoor double doubled doubles doubling doubly redoubled redoubles redoubling redouble doubt doubted doubtful doubtfully doubter doubters doubting doubtless undoubted undoubtedly doubts down downs downed downing downings downward downwards draw drawing drawings drawn undrawn draws drew redraw redraws redrawing redrew redrawn dress dressed dresses dressing undressed undress undresses undressing drink drinks drinker drinkers drank drunk undrunk drinking drive driven undriven driver drivers drives driveway driving drove drop dropped dropping droppings drops droplet droplets dry dried dries driest dryer drying dryly drily dryness drier driers due duly undue unduly dues during e each early earlier earliest earliness east eastward eastwards easterly easterlies easy easier easiest easily easiness eat ate eaten uneaten eating eats eater eaters economy economic economical economically economics economies economist economists uneconomic uneconomical uneconomically economise economises economised economising economize economizes economized economizing educate educating educates educated educative miseducated educator educators uneducated education educationist educationists educational educationally educationalist educationalists effect effected effecting effective effectively effectiveness effects ineffective ineffectively ineffectiveness ineffectivenesses effector effectors egg eggs eight eighteen eighteenth eighth eighths eighties eightieth eighty eights either elect elected unelected electing election elections elects elector electors electoral electorally electric electricity electricians electrician electrical electrically electrics eleven elevens eleventh else elsewhere employ employed employee employees employer employers employing employment employs employable unemployed unemployable unemployment encourage encouragingly encouraging encourages encouraged encouragement end ended unended ending endings endless endlessly ends unending engine engines engineer engineering engineers engineered English Englishman Englishmen Englishwoman Englishwomen Englishes England Englander Englanders Englishness enjoy enjoyed enjoying enjoyment enjoys enjoyable unenjoyable enough enter entered unentered entering enters entrance entrances entries entry environment environmental environmentalist environmentalists environmentally environments environmentalism equal equaled equaling equality equalled equalling equally equals inequality inequalities unequal unequalled equalise equalised equalises equalisation equalize equalized equalizes equalization equaliser equalisers equalizer equalizers especial especially Europe European Europeans even evenly uneven unevenly evening evenings ever every everybody everyday everyone everything everywhere evidence evidenced evidential exact exactly exactness example examples except exception exceptional exceptionally exceptions excepting excuse excusing excuses excused excusable inexcusable exercise exercised exercises exercising exercisable exist existed existence existing exists existent nonexistent expect expectancy expectation expectations expected expectedly expecting expects unexpected unexpectedly expectant expectantly expense expenses expensive expensively inexpensive inexpensiveness inexpensively experience experienced experiences experiencing inexperienced inexperience experiential experientially explain explained unexplained explaining explains explanation explanatory explanations express expressed unexpressed expresses expressing expression expressions expressionless expressionlessly expressive expressively expressiveness expressly extra extras eye eyes eyed eyeing eyeful f face faced faces facing faceless facial facially fact facts factual factually fair fairer fairest fairly fairness unfairness unfair unfairly fall fallen falling falls fell family families familial far farther farthest faraway farm farmer farmers farms farming farmed unfarmed fast faster fastest father fathers fatherly fatherhood favour favor favors favorite favorites favourite favourable favourably favoured unfavoured favorable favorably favored unfavored favouring favoring favourites favours unfavourable unfavourably favouritism favoritism feed fed feeding feeds unfed feeder feeders feel feeling feelings unfeeling feels felt few fewer fewest field fields fielded fielding fielder fielders midfielder midfielders fight fighter fighters fighting fought fights figure figures figured figuring figurings figural fig figs file filed unfiled files filing fill filled unfilled filling fillings fills filler fillers refill refilled refilling refills refillable film films filming filmed final finalise finalised finalist finalists semifinalist semifinalists finalises finalising finalize finalized finalizes finalizing finality finally finals finance financed unfinanced finances financial financially financier financiers financing find finding findings finds found unfound finder finders fine finely fineness finer finest finery finish finished finishes finishing unfinished finisher finishers fire fires fired firing misfire misfires misfired misfiring first firsts firstly fish fished fishes fishing fisherman fishermen fishy fishery fisheries fishier fishiest fishiness fishily fit fitness fits fitted fitter fittest fitting fittings fittingly unfit five fives fifteen fifteenth fifth fifths fifthly fifties fiftieth fifty flat flattest flatten flattens flattened flattening flattish flatness flatly floor floors flooring floorings floored fly flew flown unflown flying flies flyer flyers flier fliers follow followed unfollowed follower followers following ff follows food foods foot feet footed football footballing footballs footballer footballers ft for fer force forced unforced forcible forcibly forces forcing forceful forcefully forget forgets forgetting forgot forgotten unforgotten unforgettable forgetful forgetfulness forgetfully form formation formations formed forming forms formless formlessness fortune fortunate fortunately fortunes unfortunately unfortunate forward forwards forwarding forwarded forwarder forwarders four fours forties forty fortyish fourteen fourteenth fourth fourthly fortieth th France French Frenchman Frenchmen Frenchwoman Frenchwomen free freed unfreed freedom freedoms freeing freely freer freest Friday Fri Fridays friend friendly unfriendly friends friendship friendships friendliness from front fronts fronting fronted frontage frontages full fuller fullest fullness fully fun funny funnily funniest funnier function functional functionally functioned functioning functions functionalist functionalists functionalism functionality functionalities fund funded unfunded funder funders funding funds further furthest furthering furthers furthered furtherance future futures futuristic futuristically g game games gaming garden gardener gardeners gardens gardening gardened gas gases gaseous gasoline general generally generalise generalisable generalised generalisation generalisations generality generalities generalization generalizations generalize generalizes generalized generalizing generalises generalising generalist generalists Germany German Germans Germanic get gets getting got gotten gotta gotcha girl girls gal gals girlish girlishness girlishly girly girlie girlies give gave given gives giving giver givers gimme glass glasses glassy glassier glassiest glassiness glassily go goes going goings goin gone went gonna gunna god gods goddess godless godly godliness godlike good goodness goodly goody goodies goodbye goodbyes bye govern govt governs governor governors governing governed government governments governmental governorship intergovernmental gov grand grandsons grandson grandparents grandparent grandpa grandpas grandmother grandmothers grandma grandmas grandfather grandfathers granddaughters granddaughter grandchildren grandchild gran grans granddad granddads grant granted granting grants great greater greatest greatly greatness green greener greenest greenness greenish greeny greens greening ground grounded grounds grounding groundless group grouped grouping groupings groups subgroup subgroups grow grew growing grown grows growth growths grower growers guess guessing guesses guessed guessable unguessable guy guys h hair hairy hairs haired half halves halfway hall halls hand handed handedness handful handfuls handing hands handwriting handwritten hang hanged hanging hangings hangs hung unhung hanger hangers happen happened happening happenings happens happy happier happiest happily happiness unhappy unhappily unhappiness unhappier unhappiest hard harden hardened hardening hardens harder hardest hardness hardship hardships hardworking hate hatred hatreds hating hates hated hateful hatefully hatefulness have had hadn hasn has haven haves having ve hath he him himself his head headed heading headings heads headless headship health healthier healthiest healthily healthy unhealthy unhealthiest hear heard hearer hearing hearings hears unheard heart hearts heartfelt hearten heartened heartens heartening heartless heartlessness heartlessly hearted disheartening disheartened disheartens heat heated unheated heating heats heater heaters reheat reheated reheating reheats preheat preheats preheated preheating heavy heavier heaviest heavily heaviness heavies hell hells help helped helpful helpfully unhelpful helpfulness unhelpfully helping helpless helplessly helplessness helps helper helpers here high higher highest highly highs highway highways history historian historians historic historical historically histories historicist historicists historicism historicity hit hitting hitter hits unhit hold held unheld holder holders holding holdings holds holiday holidays holidaying holidayed holidayer holidayers home homeless homelessness homes honest honesty honestly dishonest dishonesty dishonestly hope hoped hopeful hopefuls hopefully hopefulness hopeless hopelessly hopelessness hopes hoping horse horses unhorsed hospital hospitals hospitalise hospitalises hospitalised hospitalising hospitalisation hospitalize hospitalizes hospitalized hospitalizing hospitalization hot hotly hotness hotter hottest hour hourly hours hr hrs house housed housing houses how however hullo hello hey hi hallo hundred hundreds hundredth husband husbands i me mine my myself meself idea ideas identify identifiable identification identifications identified unidentified identifies identifying identities identity unidentifiable identifier identifiers if ifs imagine imagining imagines imagined unimagined imagination imaginations imaginative imaginatively imaginary imaginable unimaginable unimaginably imaginably unimaginative unimaginatively important unimportant importantly improve improving improves improved unimproved improvement improvements in inner include included includes including incl inclusive inclusion income incomes increase increased increases increasing increasingly indeed individual individualised individuality individualism individualist individualists individualistic individually individuals industry industrial industrialist industrialists industrialise industrialisation industrialised industrialising industrialises industrialize industrialization industrialized industrializing industrializes industrially industries inform informs informing informed informer informers information informational info informant informants uninformed inside insides insider insiders instead insure insuring insures insured insurance insurer insurers insurable uninsurable reinsure reinsuring reinsures reinsured reinsurance interest interested interesting interests uninterested uninteresting interestingly into introduce introduced introduces introducing introduction introductions introductory intro intros reintroduce reintroduces reintroduced reintroducing reintroduction reintroductions invest invested investing investment investments investor investors invests reinvest reinvested reinvesting reinvestment reinvests involve involved involvement involves involving uninvolved issue issued issues issuing issuer issuers issuance it its itself item itemisation itemise itemised itemises itemising items itemization itemize itemized itemizes itemizing Jesus job jobs jobless join joined joining joins judge judged judges judging judgment judgments judgement judgements judgemental misjudge misjudges misjudged misjudging misjudgement misjudgements prejudge prejudges prejudged prejudging prejudgement prejudgements jump jumps jumping jumped jumpy just justly unjust unjustly k keep keeper keepers keeping keeps kept key keys keyed keying kid kids kill kills killed killer killers killing killings kind unkind kindly unkindly kindness kinds kinda kinder kindest king kings kingdom kingdoms kitchen kitchens kitchenette kitchenettes knock knocks knocking knocked knocker knockers know knew knowing knowingly known knows unknown unknowing unknowingly dunno unknowable l labour labor laboured labouring labours labored laboring labors labourer labourers laborer laborers lad lads lady ladies ladylike unladylike ladyship ladyships land landed landing landings lands landless language languages large largely larger largest last lasted lasting lasts lastly late lately lateness later latest laugh laughs laughing laughed laughable law laws lawyer lawyers lawful lawfully unlawful lawless lawlessness unlawfully lawmaker lawmakers lay laid laying lays lain lead leader leaders leadership leading leads mislead misleading misleadingly misled led learn learned learner learners learning learns learnt leave leaves leaving leaver leavers left lefts leftist leftists lefthand lefthanded lefthander lefthanders leg legs legged legging leggings leggy less lessen lessened lessening lesser least let lets letting lemme letter letters level levelled leveller levelling leveled leveler leveling levels levelly lie liar liars lied lies lying life lifetime lifetimes lifelike lifesize lifelong lifeless lifelessly light lighted lighten lightened lightens lightening lighter lightest lighting lightly lightness lights lightweight lit unlit like liked likes liking dislike dislikes disliked disliking likeable likeably likely likelier likeliest likelihood unlikely limit limitation limitations limited limiting limits unlimited limitless limitlessly line lines lined lining link linkage linkages linked unlinked linking links linker linkers list unlisted lists listed listing listen listened listener listeners listening listens little littler littlest live lived liveliest lively liveliness livelier lives living load unload unloads unloading unloaded loads loading loaded local locally locals localise localize localised localized localises localizes localising localizing localization localisation localism lock unlocks unlocking unlocked unlock locks locking locked London Londoner Londoners long longer longest longish look looked looking lookin looks lord lords lordship lordships lordly lorded lording lose loser losers loses losing lost lot lots love loved unloved loveless lovely lovelier loveliest loveliness loves loving lovingly lovable lover lovers luv luvs lovey loveys low lows lowly lowlier lowliest lower lowered lowest lowering lowers luck lucky luckily luckiest luckier luckless unlucky unluckily unluckiest unluckier lunch lunches m machine machinery machines machinist machinists main mains mainly major majorities majority majors maj make made unmade maker makers makes making makings remake remakes remaking remade man mankind men mens manly manhood manliness mans manning manned unmanned manage managing manages managers manager manageress manageresses managed management managements mismanage mismanaged mismanages mismanaging mismanagement manageable unmanageable many mark marked markedly unmarked marker markers marking markings marks market marketed marketing markets nonmarket marketable marketer marketers marketeer marketeers marry marriage marriages married marries marrying unmarried remarry remarries remarried remarrying remarriage match matching matches matched unmatched mismatch mismatched mismatches mismatching matter mattered mattering matters may maybe mean meaner meanest meanly meanness meaning meaningful meaningfulness meaningfully meaningless meanings means meant measure measured measurement measurements measures measurable measurably immeasurably measuring meet meeting meetings meets met unmet member members membership memberships mention mentioned mentioning mentions unmentioned middle middles middling might mightn mile miles milk milky milked milks milking million millions millionth mind minded mindless mindlessness mindful mindfulness minding minds minder minders minister ministers ministerial ministering ministered minus minute minutes min mins miss missed unmissed misses missing mister mr moment momentary momentarily moments Monday Mon Mondays money moneys monies month monthly months more morning mornin mornings most mostly mother mothers motherhood mothered mothering motherly mum mom mummy mums mam mams mammy mammies mommy mommies motion motions motioning motioned motionless move moved movement moves moving movements unmoving unmoved movable moveable unmovable unmoveable immovable immoveable mover movers Mrs Missus missuses much music musical musicals musician musicians musically musique must mustn n name named unnamed names naming namely nameless nation national nationals nationally nationwide nations nationalism nationalisms nationalisations nationalist nationalists nationalistic nationalistically nationalise nationalised nationalising nationalisation nationalize nationalized nationalizing nationalization nationhood nationhoods nature natural unnatural unnaturally naturally natures naturalistic naturalistically naturalness naturalist naturalists naturalism near nearby nearer nearest nearly nearness nears nearing neared nearside necessary necessarily unnecessarily unnecessary need needed unneeded needing needless needs needn needlessly never new newer newest newly newness renew renewed renews renewing renewable renewal renewals news newsy next nice nicest nicer niceness nicely night nightly nights goodnight midnight nine nines nineteen nineteenth nineties ninetieth ninety ninth no nobody noone nothing nothingness nowhere nope non none normal normalisation normalise normalised normalises normalising normalization normalize normalized normalizes normalizing normality normally north northerly northerlies northwest nw northwestern northwesterner northwesterners northeast ne northeastern northeasterner northeasterners northwards northward not t nt note notable notes noting notably noted notice noticeable noticeably noticed unnoticed notices noticing now nowadays number numbered unnumbered numberless numbering numbers nos o obvious obviously occasion occasional occasionally occasions odd odds odder oddest oddness oddly oddity oddities of off orf offer offered offering offerings offers offerer offerers offerors offeror office officer officers offices often oft okay ok old older oldest oldish oldy oldies olden on onto once one ones oneness only open opening openings openly openness opens opened unopened opener openers operate operated operates operating operation operations operator operators operational operationally operative operatives opportunity opportunities oppose opposing opposes opposed opposition oppositional unopposed or order ordered ordering orderly orderliness orderlies orders unordered reorder reordered reordering reorders organize organisation organisations organise organised disorganised disorganized unorganised organises organising organization organizations organized organizes organizing organisational organisationally organiser organisers organizer organizers organizational organizationally reorganise reorganises reorganised reorganising reorganisation reorganisations reorganize reorganizes reorganized reorganizing reorganization reorganizations original originally originality unoriginal originals other others otherness otherwise ought oughtn out outer outside outsider outsiders outward outwardly outwards outs outta over overly own owned owner owners ownership owning owns p pack packs packing packed package packages packaging packaged packer packers unpack unpacking unpacked unpacks page pages pp paint painted painter painters painting paintings paints unpainted pair pairs pairing paired unpaired paper papers papered papering paragraph paragraphing paragraphs para paras pardon pardons pardoned pardoning pardonable unpardonable parent parents parental parentage parented parenting park parks parking parked part parted parting partly parts partial partially pt pts particular particulars particularly particularity particularities party parties pass passed passes passing passable passably impassable impassably passer passers past pay paid paying payment payments pays unpaid payer payers payable pence pension pensions pensioner pensioners pensioned pensioning pensionable people peoples per percent percentage percentages perfect perfected perfecting perfectly perfects perfection imperfect imperfectly imperfection imperfections perfectionist perfectionists perhaps period periodic periods periodical periodically periodicals person personal personally persons photograph photography photographs photographing photographers photographer photographed photographic photographically photo photos pick picks picking pickers picker picked unpicked picture pictured pictures picturing pic pics piece pieces place placed places placing placement placements plan planned planner planners planning plans unplanned play played player players playing plays replay replays replaying replayed playable unplayable playful playfulness playfully please pleasant pleasantly pleasantness pleased pleases pleasing unpleasant unpleasantly unpleasantness unpleasantnesses pleasantry pleasantries displease displeased displeasing plus pluses point pointed pointedly pointing pointless pointlessly points pointer pointers midpoint midpoints police policing policewoman policewomen polices policemen policeman policed policy policies politic politics political unpolitical politically nonpolitical politicize politicizes politicized politicizing politicization politicise politicises politicised politicising politicisation politician politicians poor poorer poorest poorly poorness position positions positioning positioned positional reposition repositions repositioning repositioned positive positives positively positivist positivists positivism positivity possible possibles possibilities possibility possibly impossibility impossible impossibly post posted poster posters posting posts postal postage postages pound pounds power powered powerful powerfully powers powerless powerlessly powerlessness practise practises practised practising practice practices practicing practiced prepare preparation preparations prepared prepares preparing unprepared preparatory prep preparedness present presenter presenters presentation presentations presentational presented presenting presents presentable unpresentable presentably press pressed unpressed presses pressing pressure pressured pressures pressuring pressurise pressurize pressurised pressurized pressurising pressurizing pressurisation pressurization presume presumably presumed presumes presuming presumption presumptions pretty prettier prettiest prettily prettiness previous previously price priced prices pricing priceless pricey print printed printer printers printing prints printable reprint reprints reprinting reprinted private privately probable probably probability probabilities probabilistic probabilistically improbable improbably improbability improbabilities problem problems problematic proceed procedural procedure procedures proceeded proceeding proceedings proceeds process processed processes processing unprocessed reprocess reprocesses reprocessed reprocessing reprocessings processor processors processer processers produce produced producer producers produces producing product products production productions productive productively unproductive productivity programme program programmed programmes programming programs programed programing programmer programmers programmable project projected projecting projection projections projects projective proper properly improper improperly propose proposal proposals proposed proposes proposing proposer proposers protect protected protecting protection protections protectionism protectionist protectionists protective protects unprotected protector protectorate protectorates protectors protectively protectiveness provide provided provides providing provider providers public publicity publicly pull pulled pulling pulls purpose purposes purposely purposeful purposefully purposefulness purposeless purposelessness purposive push pushing pushes pushed pushy pusher pushers put puts putting quality qualities quarter quarterly quarters question questions questioned questioning questioningly questionable questionably unquestionably questioner questioners unquestioned unquestioning unquestionable unquestionability quick quickness quickly quickest quicker quid quids quiet quieter quietest quietly quietness quieten quietens quietened quietening quite r radio radios radioed rail railways railway rails railroads railroad railwayman raise raised raises raising raiser raisers range ranged ranges ranging rate rated rates rating ratings rateable rather read reader readers reading readings reads misread misreads misreading readability readable unreadable reread rereads rereading unread ready readily readiness unready real unreal unrealistic unrealistically unreality realistic realistically reality realities realist realists realism realisms realise realize realization realizations realized unrealised unrealized realizes realizing realisation realisations realised realising realises realisable realizable really reason reasonable unreasonable reasonableness unreasonableness reasonably unreasonably reasoned reasoning reasons receive received receives receiving receivable recent recently reckon reckoned reckoning reckons recognize recognise recognised recognises recognising recognition recognized recognizes recognizing recognisable unrecognisable unrecognizable recognisably unrecognised unrecognized recognizable recognizably recommend recommends recommending recommended recommendation recommendations record recorded unrecorded recording recordings records recorder recorders red redder reddest redness redden reddened reddening reddens reddish reddy reds reduce reduced reduces reducing reduction reductionist reductionists reductionism reductions reducible refer refers referring referred referral referrals referent referents reference references referential regard disregard disregarded disregarding disregards regarded regarding regardless regards region regional regionalist regionalists regionalism regionally regions relation relate related relates relating relations relationship relationships unrelated relational remember remembered remembering remembers remembrance report reported unreported reportedly reporter reporters reporting reports represent representative representatives rep reps represented unrepresented representing represents representation representations representational unrepresentative representativeness require required requirement requirements requires requiring research researched researcher researchers researches researching resource resourced resourceful resources resourcing unresourceful underresourced respect respected respecting respects respectful respectable respectfully responsible irresponsible responsibility responsibilities responsibly irresponsibly rest rested resting restful restfully restfulness restless restlessly restlessness rests result resulted resulting results resultant return returned unreturned returning returns returner returners returnee returnees returnable rid ridding rids right rightful rightfully rightist rightists rightly rights rightness rt ring rang ringed ringing rings rung rise rises rising rose risen riser risers road roads roadside rd role roles roll rolled rolling rolls roller rollers unroll unrolled unrolling unrolls room rooms classroom classrooms roomy roomier roomiest round rounded rounding rounder roundest roundly roundness rounds rounders rule ruled unruled ruler rulers rules ruling rulings run ran runner runners running runs runny runnier runniest safe safely safeness safer safest safety unsafe sale sales saleable unsaleable same sameness Saturday Saturdays save saved unsaved saves saving savings saver savers say said unsaid saying sayings says scheme schematic schematically schemed schemes scheming school schooling schools schooled preschool preschools preschooling preschooled preschooler preschoolers science sciences scientific scientist scientists scientifically unscientifically unscientific score scored scoring scores scorer scorers Scotland scotch Scot Scots Scottish seat seated seating seats seater seaters unseated unseats unseating unseat second secondary secondarily secondly seconder seconders secondee secretary secretaries secretarial section sectional sectioned sectioning sections subsection subsections secure insecure insecurities insecurity secured securely secures securing securities security unsecured see saw seeing unseeing seen sees unseen seer seers seem seemed seeming seemingly seems self selfishness selfishly selfish selves selfless selflessness selflessly unselfish unselfishness unselfishly sell seller sellers selling sells sold unsold resell reselling resold reseller resellers send sender senders sending sends sent unsent sense senseless senselessness senses sensing sensings sensed separate separated separately separates separating separation separations separatist separatists inseparable separateness separatenesses separatism separable separably inseparably serious seriously seriousness serve servant servants served unserved serves serving servings server servers servery service services serviced unserviced servicing set sets setting settings unset settle settled settlement settlements settler settlers settles settling settlor settlors resettle resettled resettlement resettlements resettler resettlers resettles resettling seven seventeen seventeenth seventh seventies seventieth seventy sex sexes sexism sexual sexuality sexually sexy sexier sexiest sexiness sexily sexist sexists shall shan shalt share shared unshared shares sharing she her hers herself sheet sheets shoe shoed shoeing shoes shoeless shoot shooting shootings shoots shot shots shooter shooters shop shops shopping shoppers shopper shopped short shortage shortages shorten shortened shortening shortens shorter shortest shortly shortness should shouldn show showed showing shown shows shut shutting shuts sick sickness sickly sickest sicker sicken sickened sickens sickening sickeningly side sides sided siding sign signed signing signs unsigned signer signers similar dissimilar similarities dissimilarity dissimilarities similarity similarly simple simpleness simpler simplest simplicity simplification simplified simplify simplifies simplifying simply since sing sings sang sung unsung singer singers singing single singled singly singleness singling singles sir sister sisters sisterly sit sat sits sitting sittings sitter sitters site sited siting sites situate situation situational situationally situations situated situating six sixes sixteen sixteenth sixteenths sixth sixthly sixths sixties sixtieth sixtieths sixty size sizes sizing sized sizable sleep sleeping sleeps sleepy sleepiness slept sleepless sleeper sleepers sleepily slight slighter slightest slighting slights slighted slightly slow slowed slower slowest slowing slowly slowness slows small smaller smallest smallness smallish smoke smoked smokes smoking smokeless smoker smokers smokefree nonsmoking smoky smokier smokiest smokiness smokey so social socially antisocial society societies societal some somebody somehow someone something somethin sometime sometimes somewhere son sons sonny soon sooner soonest sorry sorriness sorriest sorrier sort sorted unsorted sorting sorts sound sounds sounded sounding soundless soundlessly south southeast se southeastern southeasterners southward southwards southwest sw southwestern southwesterner southwesterners southerly southerlies space spaced unspaced spaces spacing spacious spaciousness spaciously speak speaker speakers speaking speaks spoke spoken unspoken unspeaking unspeakable special specials specially specialist speciality specialty specialities specialists specialize specialization specialized specializations specialise specialises specialised specialising specialisation specializes specializing specialism specialisms specific specifically specification specifications specificity specifics speed sped speeded speeding speeds speedy speedily highspeed spell spelt spells spelling spellings spelled misspelt spend spending spends spent unspent spender spenders square squarely squareness squarer squares squarest squared squaring sq staff staffed staffing staffs staffer staffers stage staging staged stages stairs stair upstairs downstairs stand standing stands stood standard standards standardise standardised unstandardised standardising standardisation standardize standardized unstandardized standardizing standardization substandard start started starting starts starter starters restart restarts restarted restarting state stated unstated statement statements stating station stations stationed stationing stay stayed staying stays stayer step stepped stepping steps stick sticking sticks stuck unstuck sticker stickers still stiller stillest stillness stills stilled stilling stop stopped stopping stops unstoppable stoppage stoppages stopper stoppers story stories straight straighten straightener straighteners straightened unstraightened straightening straightens straighter straightest strategy strategic strategies strategically strategist strategists street streets st strike strikes striking strikingly struck striker strikers strong stronger strongest strongly structure restructure restructured restructures restructuring structural structurally structured structures structuring unstructured structuralism structuralisms structuralist student students study studied studies studying studious studiously stuff stuffs stuffing stuffed stupid stupidity stupidly stupidest stupider subject subjected subjecting subjects subjection subjections succeed succeeded succeeding succeeds success successes successful successfully unsuccessful unsuccessfully such sudden suddenly suddenness suggest suggested suggesting suggestion suggestions suggests suggestive suggestiveness suggestively suit suits suiting suited suitability suitable suitably unsuited unsuitable summer summers midsummer summery summered summering sun sunlight sunny suns sunshine sunned sunning Sunday Sundays supply supplied supplier suppliers supplies supplying support supported supporter supporters supporting supports supportive unsupported suppose supposed supposedly supposes supposing sure surely sureness surer surest unsure surprise surprised surprises surprising surprisingly unsurprising unsurprised unsurprisingly switch switched switches switching system systematic unsystematic unsystematically systems systematically subsystem subsystems table tablecloth tables tabled tabling take taken takes taking takings took taker takers talk talked talking talks talker talkers tape taped tapes taping tax taxes taxed taxing taxpayer taxpayers taxation taxable nontaxable untaxed tea teas teach taught teacher teachers teaches teaching teachings team teamed teaming teams telephone telephoning telephones telephoned phones phoning phoned phone tel television televisions tv telly tellies tvs tell retell retelling telling tells told untold ten tens tenth tenths tend tends tended tending tendency tendencies term terms termed terming terrible terribly test tested untested testing tests tester testers testable untestable retest retested retests retesting than thank thanks thanking thankfully thankful thankless thanked the then there therefore they their theirs them em themselves thing things thingy thingies think thinking unthinkable thinks thought thoughts thoughtful thoughtfully thoughtfulness unthought unthinking unthinkingly thoughtless thoughtlessly thoughtlessness thinker thinkers rethink rethought rethinks rethinking thirteen thirteenth thirteenths thirty thirties thirtieth thirtieths this these those that though tho thousand thousands thousandth thousandths three threes third thirdly thirds through throughout throw threw throwing thrown throws thrower throwers Thursday Thurs Thursdays tie untied untie tying ties tied unties untying time timer times timeless timely timing timed untimed to today together togetherness tomorrow tomorrows tonight too top topped untopped topping tops topless total totaled totaling totalled untotalled totalling totally totals totality touch touched touches touching untouched touchable untouchable untouchables toward towards town towns trade traded trades trading trader traders traffic train trained trainer untrained trainers training trains trainee trainees transport transportation transported transporter transporters transporting transports travel traveled traveling travelled traveller travellers travelling travels traveler travelers treat treats treating treated treatable untreated treatment treatments pretreatment tree trees treeless trouble troubled untroubled troubles troubling troublesome troublemaker troublemakers true truthful truthfully truth truest truer truism truisms truthfulness truly truths untrue untruth untruthful untruthfully untruths untruthfulness trust trusted trusting entrust entrusted entrusting entrusts trusts trusty trustier trustiest try tried untried tries trying Tuesday Tues Tuesdays turn turned turning turns twelve twelves twelfth twelfths twenty twenties twentieth two twice twos type typed types typing typist typists subtype subtypes u under underneath understand understanding understandings understands understood understandable understandably misunderstand misunderstands misunderstood misunderstanding misunderstandings union unions unionist unionists unionism unionisms unit units subunit subunits unite united unites uniting unity reunite reunites reunited reuniting university universities unless until til till up ups upside upon use misused misuse misusing misuses misuser misusers used unused useful usefulness useless uselessness uselessly uses using usefully user users usable usability unusable reuse reuses reused reusing usual usually unusual unusually v value valuable valuables valuation revalues revalued revaluing revaluation revaluations valuations valued valuer valueless values valuing invaluable invaluably various variously very video videoed videoing videos view viewed viewing views viewer viewers village villager villagers villages visit visited visiting visitor visitors visits visitation vote voted voter voters votes voting w wage wages unwaged waged waging wait waited waiting waits waiter waiters waitress waitresses walk walked walking walks walker walkers walkable wall walled walls want wanted wanting wants unwanted wanna war warred warring wars warm warms warmly warming warmed warmth warmer warmest wash washed washes washing unwashed washer washers washable unwashable waste wasted wastes wasting wasteful wastefully wastage wastages watch watched watches watching watcher watchers water watered waters watering watery waterier wateriest wateriness way ways we our ours ourselves us wear wearing wears wore worn unworn wearable unwearable wearer wearers Wednesday Wednesdays wee week weekend weekends weekly weeks midweek midweekly weigh weights weight weighs weighing weighed unweighed weighted weighting weightings weightless weightlessness welcome welcomed welcomes welcoming unwelcome well unwell west westerly westerlies westward westwards midwest midwestern what whatever wot whatcha whaddya when whenever where wherever whether which whichever while whilst white whiteness whiter whitest whitish whites whiten whitening whitens whitened whitener whiteners who whoever whom whose whole wholes wholeness wholly wholistic wholistically why wide widely widen widens widened wideness widening wider widest width widths wife wives will ll wo willing willingness unwillingness willingly unwilling unwillingly willed win winner winners winning winnings wins won wind winded winds windy window windows windowless wish wished wishes wishing with wiv within without woman women womanly wonder wondered wonderful wondering wonderingly wonders wonderfully wondrous wondrously wonderment wood woods wooden woodland woodlands woody word words worded wording wordy wordless wordlessly work worked worker workers working workings works workman workmen workable unworkable world worlds worldly unworldly worldliness unworldliness worry worrying worries worried worriedly worryingly worriedness worse worst worth worthy worthier worthiest unworthy worthless would wouldn write writer writers writes writing writings written unwritten wrote rewrite rewrote rewritten rewrites rewriting rewrit wrong wronged wronging wrongs wrongly wrongful wrongfulness wrongfully x y year years yearly yr yrs yearling yearlings yes yeses ya yah yeah yeh yea yep yup yesterday yesterdays yet you your yourselves yourself yours ye yer yerself yous young younger youngster youngest youngsters youngish DONELIST