Hello, hair to the relatively free soakpeet! (with tempo) change

You are on an answering machine, hair to the wrestler!

Lapin sans exterieur : When a man has no knee to be knelt, catch a void over it because it's funny!

Hey Subordonald! Long time no see (ça fait longtemps !)! Do you still help Xiddam and mix sailors? Can you save a fleeing skull trhough one's nose? ;) Is Wittley the son of Yano? But basically: can you do more useful changes and fewer nonsense ones? :) Travaillez-vous comme un saupiquet semi-libre avec des angles boursouflés dans un gruyère vide et rose ? Can you at least write a funny reply to this message, like you used to? (the good old days). But, seriously, try to make more useful edits. ;)