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bond is on the Academic Word List.

Pronunciation change

Noun change



  1. (countable) A bond is a connection between two people because of love or friendship.
    War can often build strong bonds between people who suffered or fought together.
  2. (countable) A bond is a connection between two or more things, for example using glue.
    The heat created a bond between the plastic and the metal.
  3. (countable) (finance) (law) A bond is a financial document promising to pay a certain amount of money. These are often bought and sold.
    The new benchmark ten-year government bond yielded 6.3%.
    Most large international banks have issued floating rate bonds as a source of medium-term funding.
  4. (countable) (plural) Things that tie or limit you.
    It took her many years to break free of the bonds of guilt.
  5. (countable) (chemistry) A bond is the force that holds atoms together.
  6. A contract.

Synonyms change

Related words change

Verb change

Plain form

Third-person singular

Past tense

Past participle

Present participle

  1. (transitive & intransitive) If you bond two things, you connect them, for example using glue.
    The melting wax bonded to the table.
    He bonded the wood to the plastic to make it look more natural.
    The individual carbon atoms in a diamond are bonded together extremely strongly.
  2. (intransitive) If you bond with someone, you form a special relationship.
    Breastfeeding helps the baby bond with its mother.