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Pronunciation change

Noun change



Geese with goslings (baby geese)
  1. (zoology) A goose is a big flying bird looking like a duck, with a long neck and webbed feet. The color of its feathers is usually a mix of grey, black and/or white, certain individuals having a uniform color.
    Wild geese regularly fly over our house when they migrate to Southern countries.
    I have a pet goose that honks when someone comes into the yard.
  2. A goose is a silly person.
    Aunt Dreeda acts like a goose whenever a man comes to her front door.

Verb change

Plain form

Third-person singular

Past tense

Past participle

Present participle

  1. (slang) To goose someone is to take him by surprise with a finger jab to the cleft of the buttocks that penetrates to the anus. The violated may be clothed or unclothed and usually reacts with a sudden, offended start.
    I was wearing only a jockstrap when a teammate goosed me in the locker room.