Word parts change

loose + -en

Pronunciation change

Verb change

Plain form

Third-person singular

Past tense

Past participle

Present participle

  1. (transitive & intransitive) If you loosen something, you make it looser.
    Can you loosen the lid on this jar for me.
    His grip on the gun loosened, but only for a second.
    Before you plant the seeds, lift the soil to loosen it without actually turning it over.
  2. (intransitive) If somebody loosens up, they become more relaxed.
    She loosened up after she'd had a glass of wine.
  3. (transitive & intransitive) If your joints or muscles loosen up, they start to move more easily.
    I took a deep breath, and I could feel the muscles in my chest loosen.
  4. (transitive) If you loosen somebody's tongue, you make them talk about something they would not talk about before.
    But what truly loosened my tongue was knowing I was on home ground.

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