register is on the Academic Word List.

Pronunciation change

Verb change

Plain form

Third-person singular

Past tense

Past participle

Present participle

  1. (transitive & intransitive) If you register someone or something, you put their name on a list.
    I haven't registered for September classes yet.
    Please take a moment to register your software with the company.
    Our dog is registered with the city.
  2. (transitive) If you register a complaint, protest, etc. you make your opinion known formally.
  3. (transitive & intransitive) If something doesn't register, you don't notice it.
    I knew I had something else on, but I guess it just didn't register when I made the appointment.
  4. (transitive & intransitive) If a measuring instrument registers a value, it shows that value.
    The thermometer registered  °.
    The change was so small that it didn't register.

Noun change



A cash register
  1. (countable) A register is an official list of names.
    On voting day, I found my name was not on the register and I couldn't vote.
    The government is reviewing the national register of births, deaths, and marriages.
  2. (linguistics) A register is a particular style of language used by a certain group of people or in certain situations.
    Speeches are usually given in a very formal, almost written register.
  3. (countable) (music) A register is a particular range of notes.
    The piano plays arpeggi in higher registers, accompanying the clarinet that plays the melody in full-blooded lower middle registers.
  4. (countable) A cash register is a machine in a shop that calculates total payment and holds money.

Synonyms change

Related words change