




  1. A suffix added to verbs meaning that a person or thing that does an action indicated by the root verb.
    read + -er = reader
    cook + -er = cooker
    compute + -er = computer
    run + -er = runner
    toast + -er = toaster
    swim + -er = swimmer
  2. A suffix added to occupations meaning that a person whose occupation is the root noun.
    astrology + -er = astrologer
    cricket + -er = cricketer
    trumpet + -er = trumpeter
  3. A suffix added to numbers meaning that a person or thing to which a certain number or measurement applies.
    six + -er = sixer
    six foot + -er = six-footer
    three-wheel + -er = three-wheeler
    first grade + -er = first grader
  4. A suffix added to ideologys meaning that a person is associated with, or supports a particular theory, doctrine, or political movement.
    anti-vax + -er = anti-vaxxer
    flat earth + -er = flat-earther