Help:Development stages

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Development stages are different stages of a word list before it is completed. It is currently a new feature that came from Wikibooks and was started on January 19, 2011. It is a useful tool for editors to find out how far the word list is before it is completed.

This feature contains the templates {{stage}} and {{status}}.

The different stages change

There are in total of 5 different development stages. They are being listed below:

0% change

In this stage, this means that all the words in the word list are not created before and everything found in the word list are all red links.

25% change

This stage means that there are some words created, but there is still lots of red links.

50% change

This stage means that there are a fair bit of words created (around half of the word list).

75% change

This stage means that there are lots of blue links, but there is still a small amount of red links.

100% change

The word list is finished.

See also change