List of requested articles for cleaning up dicdef articles on Simple:wiki

Potential links change

Links that may be created by changing the Simple WP wiktionarypar template to wikitionary:

freedom - physiology - Jupiter - sandbox - letter - film - supply - Britannica - portable - nudity - nude - naked - genetic - genetics - terminus - mac - Mac - MAC - anus - point - compost - antidisestablishmentarianism - headache - sovereignty - party - blasphemy - dirt - trunk - fraction - neighbour - neighbor - shooting star - breed - robot - pie - kuru - humour - humor - occupation - commercial - hero - denomination - patch - printing - bow - popular - populus - populous - trombone - fame - classification - era - benign - fusion - raisin - load - preservation - pillar - firework - stock - marketing - storage - crane fly - speculation - flour - biodiversity - pejorative - contempt - content - settler - council - substrate - diagram - monument - abdication - descendant - descendent - count - evangelical - evangelicalism - merchant - cohesion - compression - gear - figure - torsion - shaft - finished goods - tile - circumference - spindle - spike - whorl - persuasion - echo - groove - bomb - slide - projection - thong - resilience - joinery - pedestrian - herd - episode - he - his - him - elasticity - gymnastics - color wheel - crescent - gradient - archery - flux - neuroscience - thrust - placebo - identity - placebo effect - path - palm - span - mill - windmill - continuum - rotor - jet - trough - remainder - soluble - solubility - oath - frank - frankly - hornet - kumquat - athletics - autonomy - autonomous - lyrics - solvent - inert - sensation - objectivity - alfa - alpha - ligament - prize - creed - doctrine - insolation - granule - efficiency - prototype - archetype - anomie - heterodoxy - archive - multimedia - bigotry - brat - compressor - cash - van - thorn - reduction - Castile - pest - training - secretion - adhesive - girlfriend - native - indigenous - archivist - broom - numeration - loyal - regatta - boundary - morphology - filament - stern - relief - transcript - forecast - alliance - etiquette - hairstyle - haircut - hairdo - reputation - maid - wit - trustworthiness - squash - subclass - genome - atlas - Atlas - landscape - supercell - angular velocity - inverse - fecundity - pneumatics - liberty - dignity - association - connotation - euphemism - dysphemism - château - pellet - larynx - deposit - Jura - arsenal - abrasion - bruise - contusion - ecchymosis - ceasefire - tactic - coefficient - surveying - indulgence - penance - repentance - absinthe - stream of consciousness - tutor - cubit - therapy - damn - geographer - vex - reproduction - meme - analogy - grid - warren - Warren - burrow - Yi - sensitive - exposure - mineral - lotus - solvation - left-wing - bourgeoisie - qualification - hijra - shutter - Thu - concubine - avant-garde - coalition - representation - proselytism - asylum - businessperson - periphery - simony - arrowhead - cryptanalysis - revival - blockade - artifact - mensa - major - searching - search - loitering - sell - cantor - sale - for sale - valve - procrastination - Coke - coke - charity - emigration - pixelization - pixelisation - extreme - Kaffir - kaffir - kafir - bass - doll - Jackson - zip - ZIP - bubble - cent - centi- - task - souvenir - panel - she - her - hers - coach - imam - palindrome - doubt - dubious - tartan - soar - tautology - glyph - vertical - Phoenix - phoenix - stepfamily - stripe - Genesis - genesis - sacrilege - teasing - scrub - comeback - mnemonic - cancer - louse - thumper - odd - ODD - wine - gnome - GNOME - move - moving - moved - mover - dilemma - two - circulation - country - eclipse - Fahrenheit - grow - punch - Oklahoma - inspiration - offensive - Nike - Stella - anglicise - anglicize - trigger - stealth - sophistry - sand - idealism - AKA - rajah - skateboarding - gonzo - jujitsu - audio