This is the seventh of the 1000-word-family lists from the count of the British National Corpus (BNC) compiled by Paul Nation.

BNC lists (edit)

Main Lists

1–1000, 1001–2000, 2001–3000, 3001–4000

Other lists


Compressed, by headwords: A–E F–M N–R S–Z

Compressed, by letter: A–E F–M N–R S–Z

Only headwords: Long and Compressed


Compressed, by headwords: A–E F–M N–R S–Z

Compressed, by letter: A–E F–M N–R S–Z

Only headwords: Long and Compressed


Compressed, by headwords: A–E F–M N–R S–Z

Compressed, by letter: A–E F–M N–R S–Z

Only headwords: Long and Compressed


Compressed, by headwords: A–E F–M N–R S–Z

Compressed, by letter: A–E F–M N–R S–Z

Only headwords: Long and Compressed

ENDTITLE abate abates abated abating abatement abatements abolition abolitions abolitionism abolitionist abolitionists abscess abscesses abstention abstentions absurd absurder absurdest absurdness absurdly absurdity absurdities acclaim acclaimed acclaiming acclaims acclamation acclamations accredit accredited accredits accrediting accreditation accreditations acne acnes acrobat acrobats acrobatic acrobatics acute acutely acuteness adjective adjectives adjectival adjectivally adjudicate adjudicates adjudicating adjudicated adjudicator adjudicators adjudication adjudications adolescent adolescents adrift adultery adulteries aerobic aerobically aerospace aesthetic unaesthetic aestheticism aesthetically affidavit affidavits affirmative affirmatives affirmatively affluent affluently afghan afghans afghanistan afghani afield afloat afoot afresh airborne alas alder alders alderman aldermen alderwoman alderwomen algebra algebras algebraic alight allegiance allegiances almond almonds aloud amazon amazons amazonian ambivalent ambivalently ambivalence ambivalences amenable amenably ammonia ammonias ammonium anaemia anaemias anaemic anemic anal anally anecdote anecdotes anecdotal annum antagonism antagonisms apex apexes append appends appended appending appendage appendages apricot apricots arc arcs arcade arcades ark arks armpit armpits aroma aromas arrogance arrogances arson arsons arsonist arsonists artwork artworks ascend ascends ascended ascending ascendance ascendances ascendant ascendants ascendent ascendancy ascendancies ashore astray asylum asylums atlas atlases au audacity audacities auspices auxiliary auxiliaries aviation axis axle axles azalea azaleas bachelor bachelors bachelorhood backbench backbenches backbencher backbenchers backlog backlogs bairn bairns bait baits baited baiting ballroom ballrooms bandit bandits bandy bandies bandied bandying baptise baptises baptised baptising baptize baptizes baptized baptizing baptism baptisms baptismal barracks battalion battalions beadle beadles bedside bedsides begrudge begrudges begrudged begrudging bereave bereaved bereavement bereavements berth berthed berthing berths bib bibs bigot bigots bigoted bigoting bigotry bigotries bilingual bilingually bilingualism billet billeted billeting billets binge binged binging binges binoculars binocular blacksmith blacksmiths blazer blazers bliss blisses blissful blissfulness blissfully bloat bloats bloating bloated bloc blocs blurb blurbs blush blushes blushed blushing blushingly blusher blushers bobble bobbles bobbled bobbling bodyguard bodyguards bodywork bodyworks bolster bolsters bolstered bolstering bondage bondages bookie bookies boon boons bracelet bracelets brag bragging bragged brags braid braided braiding braids bran brans bridesmaid bridesmaids brigadier brigadiers brig brisk brisker briskest briskness briskly bristle bristles bristled bristling briton britons broach broaches broached broaching broadway brolly brollies bronchitis bronchitises brooch brooches buddha buddhas buddhist buddhists buddhism buff buffs buffalo buffaloes bunny bunnies burp burps burped burping burrow burrowed burrowing burrows bustle bustles bustled bustling cadet cadets callous callousness callously canine canines cannibal cannibals cannibalize cannibalizes cannibalized cannibalizing cannibalization cannibalise cannibalises cannibalised cannibalising cannibalism canopy canopies capillary capillaries capita capitalise capitalises capitalised capitalising capitalisation capitalize capitalizes capitalized capitalizing capitalization capsule capsules carbohydrate carbohydrates cardigan cardigans cargo cargoes carp carped carping carps carte cascade cascaded cascades cascading casino casinos casserole casseroles catarrh catarrhs cauliflower cauliflowers cavern caverns cavernous cavernously cd cds celtic celts celt cerebral chairmanship chairmanships chairperson chairpersons chalet chalets changeover changeovers chaotic chaotically charcoal charcoals chassis chemotherapy chemotherapies chemotherapist chemotherapists chilli chillis chili chilis chisel chisels chiseling chiseled chlorine chlorines chrome chromes chronology chronologies chronological chronologically chronologist chronologists circumcize circumcized circumcizes circumcizing circumcision circumcisions circumcise circumcised circumcises circumcising circumstantial circumstantially classification classifications clatter clatters clattered clattering claustrophobia claustrophobic cliche cliches clientele clienteles climax climaxes climaxed climaxing anticlimax anticlimaxes cloak cloaked cloaks coalition coalitions coalitionist coalitionists coastguard coastguards cob cobs cocaine cocaines cockerel cockerels coil coiled uncoiled coiling coils collision collisions comet comets commonplace compassionate compassionately complacency complacencies comprehend comprehends comprehended comprehending noncomprehending uncomprehending uncomprehendingly comprehension comprehensions compulsion compulsions compulsive compulsiveness compulsively conceit conceits conceited concerted concertedly conciliate conciliates conciliated conciliating conciliator conciliators conciliatory conciliation concise conciseness concisely conclusive conclusively inconclusive inconclusively concur concurring concurred concurs concurrence conducive conducively consecutive consecutively nonconsecutive nonconsecutively consensus constipate constipated constipating constipates constipation constipations constrict constricts constricted constricting constriction constrictions constrictive contraceptive contraceptives contractual contractually contraption contraptions convene convenes convened convening convener conveners converge converges converged converging convergence convergences convergent coop coops cooped cooping cordon cordons corpse corpses corrode corrodes corroded corroding corrosive corrosively corrosion corrosions noncorrosive corset corsets corsetry counterpart counterparts countryman countrymen coup coups courteous courteousness courteously courtyard courtyards coward cowards cowardly cowardliness craftsman craftsmen craftsmanship craftsmanships cremate cremates cremated cremating crematory cremation cremations crematorium crematoriums crib cribs croat croats croatia croatian croatians crockery crockeries croquet croquets crucifix crucifixes crucifixion crucifixions crumple crumples crumpled crumpling cucumber cucumbers cuisine cuisines cull culls culled culling cult cults cultism cultist cultists cunning cunninger cunningest cunningly cunt cunts cuppa cuppas curate curates cursor cursors dagger daggers deacon deacons deaconess deaconesses archdeacon archdeacons deadlock deadlocks debris debut debuts decipher deciphers deciphered deciphering decipherable undecipherable indecipherable defer deferring deferred defers deferment deferments deference deferences deferential deferentially deli delis demean demeans demeaned demeaning demise demises demised demography demographies demographic demographics demographically demographer demographers denim denims deodorant deodorants dependency dependencies deport deports deported deporting deportation deportee deportees deregulate deregulates deregulated deregulating deregulation deregulatory despicable despicably despise despises despised despising dessert desserts detest detests detested detesting detestable detestably detestation devolve devolves devolved devolving devolvement dew dews dewy dewier dewiest dewiness diagnostic diagnostics diagnostically diagnostician diagnosticians din dins disallow disallows disallowed disallowing disclosure disclosures discontinue discontinues discontinued discontinuing discontinuation discontinuance discontinuances dishwasher dishwashers dishwashing dismay dismayed dismays dismaying disposition dispositions disuse disused disuses ditto dittoes dittoed dittoing diverge diverges diverged diverging divergence divergences divergent divisional divulge divulges divulged divulging docile docility docilities dockland docklands doe domain domains dominion dominions donor donors doorbell doorbells drab drabness drably dressmaker dressmakers drizzle drizzled drizzling drizzly drizzles drool drools drooled drooling drowsy drowsier drowsiest drowsiness dub dubbing dubbed dubs dubber duchess duchesses archduchess archduchesses dude dudes durable durables nondurable nondurables durably durability durabilities dusk dusks dusky duskier duskiest duskiness dwindle dwindles dwindled dwindling dynamo dynamos earring earrings eccentric eccentrics eccentricity eccentricities eccentrically ecstasy ecstasies ecstatic ecstatically eczema eczemas edgiest edginess edgily eddy eddied eddying eddies edgy edgier edible edibleness inedible elapse elapses elapsed elapsing electorate electorates elizabethan elizabethans eloquent eloquently eloquence eloquences elusive elusiveness elusively embed embedding embedded embeds embody embodies embodied embodying embodiment emotive emotively emphatic unemphatic emphatically empirical empirically enamel enamels enamelled enamelling encompass encompasses encompassed encompassing encroach encroaches encroached encroaching encroachment encroachments encyclopedia encyclopedias encyclopaedia encyclopaedias encyclopaedic encyclopedic enrich enriches enriched enriching enrichment enrichments ensue ensues ensued ensuing enthuse enthuses enthused enthusing entice entices enticed enticing enticement enticements entirety entireties equator equators equatorial erosion erosions errand errands estuary estuaries ethics etiquette etiquettes euphemism euphemisms euphemistic euphemistically evade evades evaded evading evader evaders evict evicts evicted evicting eviction evictions exacerbate exacerbates exacerbated exacerbating exacerbation excel excelling excelled excels exchequer exchequers exorbitant exorbitantly expanse expanses expansive expansiveness expansively expedient expedients expediently expedience expediency expediencies expedition expeditions expeditionary extinguish extinguishes extinguished extinguishing extinguisher extinguishers extinguishable eyelid eyelids fable fables fabled facet facets facetious facetiousness facetiously faction factions factional factionalism fahrenheit fairs fait falsify falsifies falsified falsifying falsification fart farted farting farts farter farters fascist fascists fathom fathoms fathomed fathoming fathomable unfathomable unfathomably feminine unfeminine femininely femininity femininities ferment ferments fermented fermenting fermentation fiasco fiascoes fiat fiats fibreglass fingertip fingertips finn finns finland finnish fiscal fiscally flammable nonflammable inflammable flan flans flank flanks flanked flanking flanker flankers fledge fledged fledging fledges unfledged fledgling fledglings flint flints flinty flintier flintiest floral florist florists flounder flounders floundered floundering fluent fluently fluff fluffs fluffed fluffing fluffy fluffier fluffiest fluffiness foal foals fob fobbing fobbed fobs foil foils font fonts footnote footnotes footprint footprints forestry forewarn forewarns forewarned forewarning forfeit forfeits forfeited forfeiting forfeiture forte fortes forum forums fossil fossils fossilization fossilisation fossilize fossilizes fossilized fossilizing fossilise fossilises fossilised fossilising fraught freehold freeholds frock frocks frugal frugally frugality frugalities fruition fruitions fullback fullbacks fusion fusions gable gables gabled gabling gaffer gaffers garment garments gasket gaskets gazette gazettes gazetteer gazetteers genre genres generic generically nongeneric geordie geordies georgian geranium geraniums giddy giddier giddiest giddiness giddily gimmick gimmicks gimmicky gist gists gleam gleams gleamed gleaming glean gleans gleaned gleaning gleaner gleaners glib glibness glibly glide glides glided gliding glider gliders glitter glittered glitters glittering goalkeeper goalkeepers gob gobs gobble gobbles gobbled gobbling gobbler gobblers gradient gradients granary granaries granite granites granule granules granular greenbelt greenbelts greyhound greyhounds grievous grievousness grievously groove grooves groovy groovier grooviest grotesque grotesqueness grotesquely grudge grudges grudged grudging ungrudging grudgingly grunt grunts grunted grunting habitat habitats haggle haggles haggled haggling haggler hagglers hale haleness halloween halloweens handbrake handbrakes handset handsets handyman handymen hardwood hardwoods harp harps harpy harpist harpists havoc havocs hazy hazier haziest haziness hazily headlight headlights heady headier headiest headiness headily hearsay hearsays hearse hearses heir heirs heiress heiresses hereby heron herons hiatus hiatuses highland highlands highlander highlanders hindsight hindsights hippy hippies hippie hippiedom hippier hiss hisses hissed hissing hitch hitched hitching hitches hive hives hoard hoarded hoarder hoarders hoarding hoards hoe hoeing hoes hoed hoer hoers hollow hollows hollowed hollowing hollower hollowest hollowness hollowly holocaust holocausts homely homeliness homemade homesick homesickness hoof hooves hoofs hooker hookers hospice hospices hostess hostesses householder householders hubby hubbies huff huffs huffy huffier huffiest huffiness huffily hulk hulks humanitarian humanitarians humanitarianism humanities hurl hurls hurled hurling hurler hurlers hybrid hybridism hybridize hybridizes hybridized hybridizing hybridization hybridise hybridises hybridised hybridising hypocrisy hypocrisies ideological ideologically immigrant immigrants immigrate immigrated immigrating immigrates immigration immigrations imp imps impish impishness impishly impair impairs impaired unimpaired impairing impairment impairments impart imparts imparted imparting impetus impetuses impinge impinges impinged impinging impingement impingements improvise improvises improvised improvising improviser improvisers improvisation improvisations improvize improvizes improvized improvizing improvizer improvizers improvization improvizations incarnate incarnated reincarnating reincarnated reincarnates reincarnation reincarnations incarnation incarnations incense incensed incensing incenses incomprehensible incomprehensibly comprehensible comprehensibly indebted indebtedness indifferent indifferently industrious industriousness industriously infirmary infirmaries influx influxes infuriate infuriates infuriated infuriating infuriatingly infuriation injunction injunctions inkling inklings innocuous innocuousness innocuously innovative inroad inroads insistence insistences inspectorate inspectorates instalment instalments intersect intersected intersecting intersects intersection intersections intestine intestines intestinal intolerable intolerably tolerable tolerably intrinsic intrinsically intuition intuitions inverse inversely invoke invokes invoked invoking invocation iran irani iranis iranian iranians iraq iraqi jab jabbing jabbed jabs jacuzzi jacuzzis jagged jaggeder jaggedest jaggedness jaggedly jaundice jaundices jaundicing jaundiced jeep jeeps jingle jingled jingles jingling jubilee jubilees judicious judiciousness judiciously injudicious injudiciousness injudiciously jumbo jumbos juncture junctures kangaroo kangaroos karaoke karaokes ketchup ketchups kiln kilns kilt kilts kuwait kuwaiti kuwaitis laborious laboriousness laboriously ladybird ladybirds lakeside lakesides lament laments lamented lamenting lamentable lamentably lamentation lan lans lard lards lardy lardier lardiest interlard interlards lathe lathes lather lathered lathering lathers lathery launderette launderettes lavender lavenders lawnmower lawnmowers laxative laxatives layman laymen le lebanon lebanese ledger ledgers legacy legacies lieu limbo liquor liquors literary logistics logistic logistical logistically loony loonies loophole loopholes lucrative lucrativeness lucratively lug lugging lugged lugs luggage luggages lunatic lunatics lush lusher lushest lushness lushly mackintosh mackintoshes maggot maggots maggoty magnitude magnitudes mainframe mainframes mall malls mallet mallets malpractice malpractices mammoth manger mangers maniac maniacs maniacal maniacally manic manically maple maples marina marinas martial martially martyr martyrs martyrdom martyrdoms masterpiece masterpieces mayonnaise mayonnaises mead meads mediocre mediocrity mediocrities mellow mellower mellowest mellowness mellowly mellowed mellowing memento mementoes merchandise merchandises merchandizes merchandize merchandising merchandizing merchandized merchandised mesh meshes enmesh enmeshes enmeshed enmeshing enmeshment enmeshments messenger messengers metaphor metaphors metaphoric metaphorical metaphorically migrant migrants mime mimes mimed miming mingle mingles mingled mingling intermingle intermingles intermingled intermingling miraculous miraculously miscarry miscarries miscarried miscarrying miscarriage miscarriages misfortune misfortunes misnomer misnomers moderated moderating moderator moderators mono moored mooring moorings moreover mortify mortifies mortified mortifying mortification mortifications mosquito mosquitoes motto mottoes mull mulls mulled mulling municipal municipally municipality municipalities murmur murmurs murmured murmuring murmurer murmurers mush mushy mushier mushiest mushiness muslim muslims muster musters mustered mustering musterer musterers mute mutes muting mutely muted muteness mutilate mutilates mutilated mutilating mutilation mutter mutters muttered muttering mutterer mutterers mutton muttons mythology mythologies mythologize mythologizes mythologized mythologizing mythologist mythologists napkin napkins narrate narrated narrates narrating narrator narrators narrative narratives narration narrations nestle nestles nestled nestling nestlings netball netherlands netherland neurotic neurotically newcomer newcomers niche niches nicotine nicotines nicotined nigger niggers niggle niggled niggles niggling niggler nigglers nightie nighties nightingale nightingales ninja ninjas nominee nominees nonetheless nosey nosy nosier nosiest nosiness nosily nosying nosied nosies notebook notebooks notional notionally notorious notoriously notwithstanding nourish nourishes nourished nourishing nourishment nourishments nurture nurtures nurtured nurturing nurturer nurturers nutter nutters nylon nylons oasis oases oats oat oblique obliqueness obliquely obliquity obliquities obliterate obliterates obliterated obliterating obliteration obnoxious obnoxiousness obnoxiously offside offspring olive olives omelette omelettes ominous ominousness ominously omit omitting omitted omits opportune opportunely opportunism opportunist opportunists inopportune inopportunely opportunistic opportunistically orchard orchards orchestrate orchestrates orchestrated unorchestrated orchestrating orchestration orchestrations ordeal ordeals orgy orgies oscar oscars ouch outburst outbursts outspoken outspokenness outspokenly overalls overboard overcoat overcoats overcrowd overcrowds overcrowded overcrowding overdose overdosed overdosing overdoses overgrow overgrown overgrows overgrowing overgrew overhaul overhauled overhauling overhauls overspend overspent overspends overspending overthrow overthrew overthrown overthrows overthrowing overturn overturns overturned overturning overview overviews ox oxen oyster oysters paperback paperbacks paralysis parameter parameters paramount parasite parasites parasitic parasitically pare pares pared paring parer parers parsley parsleys partake partaken partook partakes partaking partaker partakers partridge partridges pastime pastimes pastor pastors pasty pasties pathological pathologically pathology pathologies pathologist pathologists payroll payrolls peach peaches peachy peachier peachiest peddle peddles peddled peddling peddler peddlers pedestal pedestals pedigree pedigrees pellet pellets pendulum pendulums penicillin penicillins peninsula peninsulas peninsular penis penises peril perils perilous perilously perilling periphery peripheries peripheral peripherally perm perms permed perming perpetrate perpetrates perpetrating perpetrated perpetrator perpetrators perpetration perpetuate perpetuates perpetuated perpetuating perpetuation perspex pester pesters pestered pestering pesticide pesticides pinpoint pinpointed pinpointing pinpoints piper pipers plaice plaices plantation plantations plausible implausible plausibly implausibly plausibility implausibility plausibilities polystyrene polystyrenes pore pores pornography pornographies pornographic pornographically pornographer pornographers potion potions potty potties prat prats prawn prawns preamble preambles precipitate precipitates precipitated precipitating precipitation predator predators predation predations predatory preface prefaces prefaced prefacing preoccupation preoccupations prerogative prerogatives presbyterian presbyterians pretentious pretentiousness unpretentious unpretentiously pretentiously prickle prickles prickly pricklier prickliest prickliness priory priories proficient proficiency proficiencies profuse profusely profusion profusions propel propelling propelled propels propellor propellors propeller propellers prose proses prospectus prospectuses protocol protocols proviso provisoes provost provosts proximity proximities puberty puberties puddle puddles punctual punctually punctuality punctualities purport purports purported purportedly purporting putty putties quaint quainter quaintest quaintness quaintly qualitative qualitatively qualm qualms qualmish quest quests quibble quibbles quilt quilts quilting quilted rabbi rabbis racehorse racehorses racket rackets racketeer racketeers racketeering racketeered radioactive radioactively nonradioactive radioactivity radioactivities raincoat raincoats rainfall rainfalls raisin raisins rant rants ranted ranting ranter ranters reallocate reallocates reallocated reallocating reallocation reallocations rebuke rebukes rebuked rebuking recede recedes receded receding receptive receptiveness receptively receptivity receptivities reciprocal reciprocally nonreciprocal reckless recklessness recklessly reclaim reclaims reclaimed reclaiming reclaimable reclamation reclamations recompense recompensed recompensing recompenses recoup recoups recouped recouping redress redresses redressed redressing reef reefs regenerate regenerated regenerating regenerates regeneration regenerations regenerative reimburse reimburses reimbursed reimbursing reimbursement reimbursements reinstate reinstates reinstated reinstating reinstatement reinstatements rejoin rejoins rejoined rejoining remand remands remanded remanding rename renames renamed renaming renown renowned repeal repeals repealed repealing repent repents repented repenting repentance repentances repentant repentants repentantly unrepentant repertoire repertoires replenish replenishes replenished replenishing replenishment replenishments replicate replicates replicated replicating replication replications repute reputes reputed reputedly reputing reset resetting resets respite respites retaliate retaliates retaliated retaliating retaliatory retaliation reticence reticences reticent reticently retribution retributions revitalise revitalises revitalised revitalising revitalisation revitalize revitalizes revitalized revitalizing revitalization revolver revolvers rhetoric rhetorics rhetorical rhetorically riddle riddles riddled riddling ridgeway ridgeways ringer ringers roadshow roadshows roe roes roster rosters rota rotas rottweiler rottweilers rubble rubbles rumble rumbles rumbled rumbling rummage rummages rummaged rummaging runaway runaways ruthless ruthlessness ruthlessly sabotage sabotages sabotaged sabotaging saffron saffrons salmonella salmonellas salute salutes saluted saluting salutation salvage salvages salvaged salvaging salvageable unsalvageable sanitary unsanitary insanitary sanitation sanitations sarcasm sarcasms sash sashes satire satires satiric satirical satirically satirist satirists saxon saxons scalp scalped scalping scalps sclerosis scoff scoffs scoffed scoffing scoffer scoffers scotsman scotsmen scour scours scoured scouring scourer scourers scouse scouses screwdriver screwdrivers scripture scriptures scriptural scroll scrolls scrounge scrounges scrounged scrounging scrounger scroungers scuffle scuffled scuffling scuffles scum scums scuttle scuttles scuttled scuttling seagull seagulls secrete secretes secreted secreting secretory secretion secretions secretor secretors sect sects seedy seedier seediest seediness sellotape sellotapes sensual sensually sensualist sensualists sensuality sensualities serviceman servicemen setup setups shag shagging shagged shags shagger shaggers shaggy shaggier shaggiest shagginess shingle shingles shire shires shite shites shortfall shortfalls shriek shrieks shrieked shrieking shrimp shrimps shrug shrugging shrugged shrugs shudder shudders shuddered shuddering sidecar sidecars sideline sidelines siege sieges signatory signatories signify signified signifies signifying signification significations signifier signifiers sinister sinisterly sip sipping sipped sips sipper sippers sizeable sizably sizzle sizzled sizzles sizzling sizzler sizzlers skew skews skewed skewing skimp skimps skimped skimping skimpy skimpier skimpiest skimpiness skimpily skint slaughterhouse slaughterhouses slob slobs slobbish slobbishness slog slogs slogged slogging slogger sloggers slosh sloshes sloshed sloshing slug slugs slurp slurps slurped slurping slut sluts sluttish sly slyly slyness smear smears smeared smearing snappy snappier snappiest snappiness snappily snapshot snapshots snare snares snared snaring ensnare ensnares ensnared ensnaring ensnarement ensnarements snigger sniggers sniggered sniggering snippet snippets snub snubbing snubbed snubs soar soars soared soaring sob sobbing sobbed sobs socialism socialisms soda sodas solder solders soldered soldering solderer solderers solemn solemner solemnest solemnness solemnly solemnity solemnities solemnize solemnizes solemnized solemnizing solemnization solemnise solemnises solemnised solemnising solitary solitarily solitariness spaniel spaniels sparrow sparrows spate spates spatial spatially spook spooks spooky spookier spookiest spookiness sportsman sportsmen sportsmanship sportsmanships spouse spouses sprout sprouts sprouted sprouting squadron squadrons stallion stallions standstill standstills starch starches starched starching starchy starchier starchiest starchiness starchily statesman statesmen statesmanship statesmanships stealth stealths stealthy stealthier stealthiest stealthiness stealthily steelwork steelworks sterile sterility sterilities stigma stigmas stile stiles stilted stiltedly stoop stoops stooped stooping stormy stormier stormiest storminess stormily strait straits stranded stuffy stuffier stuffiest stuffiness stuffily sturdy sturdier sturdiest sturdiness sturdily subcontract subcontracts subcontracted subcontracting subcontractor subcontractors subside subsides subsided subsiding subsidence subsidences sucker suckers superannuation superannuations superfluous superfluousness superfluously superimpose superimposes superimposed superimposing superstition superstitions superstore superstores surgical surgically nonsurgical swipe swiped swiping swipes switchboard switchboards swivel swivels swiveled swiveling symmetry symmetries symmetric symmetrical symmetrically unsymmetrical syndicate syndicated syndicating syndicates synthesis synthesise synthesises synthesised synthesising synthesiser synthesisers synthesize synthesizes synthesized synthesizing synthesizer synthesizers synth synths syringe syringes tablespoon tablespoons tablespoonful tablespoonfuls tbsp tbsps tablesp tact tacts tactless tactlessness tactlessly tactful tactfulness untactful tactfully takeaway takeaways taper tapers tapered tapering tariff tariffs tassel tassels tasselling teabag teabags teapot teapots telegram telegrams teletext teletexts tenor tenors countertenor countertenors tentative tentativeness tentatively testicle testicles testimony testimonies theology theologies thereby thermostat thermostats threepence threepences thrift thrifts thriftless thrifty thriftier thriftiest thriftiness thriftily thyroid hyperthyroid hyperthyroidism timescale timescales tint tints tinted tinting tiresome tiresomeness tiresomely toad toads toiletry toiletries tomb tombs entomb entombs entombed entombing entombment entombments toothache toothaches toothpaste toothpastes totter totters tottered tottering totterer totterers tracer tracers tracksuit tracksuits traipse traipses traipsed traipsing trait traits transfuse transfused transfusing transfuses transfusion transfusions transpire transpires transpired transpiring transpiration treacle treacles tremble trembles trembled trembling trespass trespasses trespassed trespassing trespasser trespassers trestle trestles trickle trickles trickled trickling trident tridents trinity trinities trudge trudges trudged trudging trump trumped trumping trumps trustworthy trustworthier trustworthiest trustworthiness untrustworthy tug tugging tugged tugs turbine turbines turnip turnips turntable turntables turtle turtles tut tweed tweeds tweedy tweedier tweediest tweezers twiddle twiddles twiddled twiddling twiddler twiddlers twofold undercover unilateral unilaterally unilateralism unitary unrest unsettle unsettles unsettled unsettling upholstery upholsteries upkeep upkeeps uptake uptakes vaccine vaccines valentine valentines vax vendor vendors venetian veranda verandas verandah verandahs veto vetoed vetoes vetoing vicarage vicarages vile vileness vinyl vinyls viscount viscounts viscountess viscountesses vogue vogues volley volleys vouch vouches vouched vouching voyage voyages voyaged voyaging voyager voyagers waistcoat waistcoats waive waives waived waiving waiver waivers walnut walnuts wand wands warehousing warp warps warped warping warranty warranties watchdog watchdogs waterfall waterfalls weekday weekdays weighty weightier weightiest weightiness weightily wellbeing wham whammed whamming whams wheeze wheezes wheezed wheezing wheezy whiff whiffs whiffed whine whines whined whining whiner whiners whisk whisks whisked whisking whitewash whitewashes whitewashed whitewashing wholehearted wholeheartedness wholeheartedly wicker wickers wilful wilfulness wilfully willow willows willowy willowier willowiest wimp wimps wimpish wimpy wimpier wimpiest windsurfing windsurfings wither withers withered withering wont workload workloads workmate workmates wreak wreaks wreaked wreaking yacht yachts yachting yachted yachtsman yachtsmen yachty yachties yank yanks yanked yanking yoghurt yoghurts yogurt yogurts zambia zambian zambians zimbabwe zimbabwean zimbabweans ENDLIST

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