User talk:TeacherJeff/Test/BNC11LIST
This is the eleventh of the 1000-word-family lists from the count of the British National Corpus (BNC) compiled by Paul Nation.
BNC lists (edit) |
Main Lists 1–1000, 1001–2000, 2001–3000, 3001–4000
BNC1 Compressed, by headwords: A–E F–M N–R S–Z Compressed, by letter: A–E F–M N–R S–Z Only headwords: Long and Compressed BNC2 Compressed, by headwords: A–E F–M N–R S–Z Compressed, by letter: A–E F–M N–R S–Z Only headwords: Long and Compressed BNC3 Compressed, by headwords: A–E F–M N–R S–Z Compressed, by letter: A–E F–M N–R S–Z Only headwords: Long and Compressed BNC4 Compressed, by headwords: A–E F–M N–R S–Z Compressed, by letter: A–E F–M N–R S–Z Only headwords: Long and Compressed |
ENDTITLE abound abounds abounded abounding abscond absconds absconded absconding absconder absconders abseil abseils abseiled abseiling abseiler abseilers absolve absolves absolved absolving accede accedes acceded acceding accompli acetylcholine acetylcholines adept adeptness adeptly adhesive adhesives adorn adorns adorned unadorned adorning adornment adornments aegis aegises aerodynamic aerodynamically afar affront affronts aforementioned aghast aground alabaster alabasters alertness alertnesses alias alkali alkalis allegory allegories allegorist allegorists allegorical allegorically allusion allusions amass amasses amassed amassing ambience ambiences amiable amiably amoral anaerobic anaerobically analogue analogues anatomical anatomically ancestry ancestries anew annihilate annihilated annihilates annihilating annihilation annihilations annotate annotates annotated annotating annotation annotations annul annulling annulled annuls annulment annulments antarctica antarctic antelope antelopes antenatal antiquarian antiquarians antiquarianism antiquated antiquity antiquities apace apache apaches aperitif aperitifs aperitives aperture apertures archetype archetypes archetypal arrowhead arrowheads arthritic artisan artisans askew assail assails assailed assailing assailable unassailable assailant assailants assassin assassins assiduous assiduously asteroid asteroids astronaut astronauts astute astuteness astutely asymptomatic attenuate attenuates attenuated attenuating attenuation attenuations attenuative attest attests attested attesting attestation attire attired attiring attires attune attunes attuned attuning auburn aural aurally autistic autism autocrat autocrats autocratic autocratically avert averts averted averting awning awnings bacillus bacilli backroom backrooms bacteriology bacteriologist bacteriologists bacteriological balk balks balked balking ballast ballasts ballpoint ballpoints banal banally banality banalities banister banisters barefoot barefeet baroque baroques basque basques batten battened battening battens battleground battlegrounds bedspread bedspreads beguile beguiled beguiles beguiling beguilingly behead beheads beheaded beheading benefactor benefactors besiege besieges besieged besieging besieger besiegers bibliography bibliographies bibliographic bibliographical bide bides bided biding bile biles birthright birthrights bitumen bitumens blaspheme blasphemed blaspheming blasphemes blasphemous blasphemously bleat bleats bleated bleating blemish blemished blemishing blemishes unblemished blizzard blizzards bloodshot bloodstain bloodstained bloodstaining bloodstains bludgeon bludgeons bludgeoned bludgeoning blunder blundered blundering blunders bolshevik bolsheviks bolshevism booty booties bravado bravadoes brethren briar briars bronchial brotherhood brotherhoods bruiser bruisers bugle bugles bulkhead bulkheads bullion bullions bulwark bulwarks busk busked busking busker buskers busybody busybodies buyout buyouts cactus cactuses cacti cajole cajoles cajoled cajoling cajoler cajolers cajolery cajoleries cajolement cajolements calibrate calibrates calibrated calibrating calibration calibrations calligraphy calligraphies calligraphist calligraphists calvinist calvinists cant cants carefree caress caresses caressed caressing carnage carnages castigate castigates castigated castigating castigation castigations cataclysm cataclysms cataclysmic catalyse catalyses catalysed catalysing celluloid celluloids centrepiece centrepieces chalice chalices chancery chanceries chandelier chandeliers charlatan charlatans charlatanism chasten chastens chastened chastening chattel chattels cheekbone cheekbones chintz chintzes chintzy chintzier chintziest chivalry chivalries chivalrous chivalrously unchivalrous choppy choppier choppiest choppiness choppily chromatography chromatographies chrysanthemum chrysanthemums chub chubs churlish churlishness churlishly churl churls circuitry circuitries citrus clammy clammier clammiest clamminess clammily classmate classmates clergyman clergymen clime climes clink clinks clinked clinking clinker clinkers clique cliques cliquey cloister cloisters closet closets closeted closeting clove cloves cloven coagulate coagulates coagulated coagulating coagulation coagulations cocoon cocooned cocooning cocoons coexist coexists coexisted coexisting coexistence coexistences coexistent cogent cogently cognitive cognitively coherence cohesion cohesions cohort cohorts cologne colognes commandant commandants commode commodes compere comperes compered compering complicity complicities confetti conjecture conjectures conjecturing conjectured conjectural connoisseur connoisseurs consensual copious copiousness copiously coronet coronets corroborate corroborates corroborated corroborating corroboratory corroboration corroborations cosmos counterclaim counterclaims counterfeit counterfeiter courthouse courthouses courtship courtships cower cowers cowered cowering cowl cowls cowslip cowslips crag crags cranberry cranberries credulity credulities crewman crewmen criminology criminologies criminologist criminologists crimson croissant croissants crossover crossovers crotch crotches crucible crucibles crypt crypts crystalline noncrystalline cubicle cubicles curator curators curdle curdles curdled curdling curricular customise customises customised customising customize customizes customized customizing cymbal cymbals cymbalist cymbalists cyst cysts encyst encysts encysted encysting encystment encystments dandruff dandruffs daze dazes dazing dazed dazedly deathbed deathbeds debase debases debased debasing debasement debasements debauch debauching debauches debauched debauchery debaucheries debaucher debauchers debonair debonairness debonairly decompress decompressed decompresses decompressing decompression decompressions decontaminate decontaminated decontaminating decontaminates decontamination decontaminations decoy decoys defected defecting defection defections defectors defector defecter defecters defiance defiances deft defter deftest deftness deftly denture dentures depopulate depopulates depopulated depopulating depopulation depopulations deputise deputises deputised deputising deputize deputizes deputized deputizing dermatology dermatologies dermatologist dermatologists desktop desktops despot despots despotism devout devouter devoutest devoutness devoutly dexterity dexterities diametrically dilapidated diminutive diminutively disablement disablements disavow disavows disavowed disavowing disavowal disavowals discontinuity discontinuities discotheque discotheques discredit discredits discredited discrediting discreditable discreditably discursive discursiveness discursively disharmony disharmonies disincentive disincentives disinclined disingenuous disingenuously disinterested disinterestedness disinterestedly disparate disparately dissension dissensions dissident dissidents distemper distempers distraught dogged doggedly doomsday doomsdays doorman doormen douse douses doused dousing downcast downgrade downgrades downgraded downgrading downtown downwind dowry dowries doyen doyens dragonfly dragonflies dressmaking dressmakings drudge drudges drudgery drudgeries drunkard drunkards duct ducting ducted ducts ductless duet duets dumbfound dumbfounds dumbfounded dumbfounding duopoly duopolies dynasty dynasties dynastic dysentery dysenteries earpiece earpieces earthenware earthenwares easel easels ecclesiastical ecclesiastically echelon echelons edict edicts electrostatic elegy elegies elegaic elf elves elfish elven elvish elflike ellipse ellipses embezzle embezzled embezzles embezzling embezzlement embezzlements embezzler embezzlers embolden emboldens emboldened emboldening emboldenment emeritus eminence eminences emir emirs enamoured encircle encircles encircled encircling encirclement encirclements engross engrosses engrossed engrossing engrossment engrossments enormity enormities ensemble ensembles enunciate enunciates enunciated enunciating enunciation environs epic epics epically epistle epistles erroneous erroneously estrange estranged estranging estranges estrangement estrangements ether ethers ethnography ethnographies ethnographic ethnographically ethos ethoses euphoric euphorically eureka evasion evasions evasive evasiveness evasively excrete excretes excreted excreting excretion excretions excretive excretory exemplar exemplars exemplary existential existentially existentialism existentialist existentialists exonerate exonerates exonerated exonerating exoneration exonerations expatriate expatriates exponential exponentially exposition expositions exquisite exquisiteness exquisitely extravaganza extravaganzas extricate extricates extricated extricating extrication exude exudes exuded exuding exudation eyewitness eyewitnesses facade facades facelift facelifts fastidious fastidiousness fastidiously fatherland fatherlands fauna faunas festoon festoons festooned festooning fetish fetishes fetishism fetishist fetishists fiancee fiance fiances fiancees fictitious fictitiously figurehead figureheads figurine figurines finale finales finesse finessed finessing finesses firelight firelights fitment fitments fizzle fizzles fizzled fizzling flashpoint flashpoints fleeting fleetingness fleetingly flemish flipper flippers floodlight floodlights floodlighting floodlit florid florider floridest floridness floridly florin florins flotilla flotillas flowerbed flowerbeds fluke flukes flukey flywheel flywheels fm foe foes foolhardy foolhardier foolhardiest foolhardiness foolhardily footman footmen forceps forestall forestalls forestalled forestalling formaldehyde formaldehydes forthwith fount founts foxglove foxgloves fractious fractiousness fractiously freckle freckles freckled freckling freckly freemason freemasons freestyle freestyles frigate frigates frivolity frivolities FTSE fugitive fugitives gallant gallanter gallantest gallantly gallantry gallantries gambit gambits gantry gantries garble garbles garbled garbling garter garters gatepost gateposts gaudy gaudier gaudiest gaudiness gaudily gaunt gaunter gauntest gauntness gawp gawps gawped gawping GCSE gendarme gendarmes genocide genocides genocidal gestation gestations gestational gherkin gherkins glade glades gladiator gladiators glasnost glasnosts glitzy glitzier glitziest gnat gnats gnaw gnaws gnawed gnawing goalkeeping goalkeepings goon goons gooseberry gooseberries gore gores gorse gorses gouge gouges gouged gouging gouger gougers gourmet gourmets governance governances governess governesses gradation gradations grandee grandees gratuitous gratuitousness gratuitously grenadier grenadiers grisly grislier grisliest grisliness grist grists grout grouts gruelling gruellingly guffaw guffawed guffawing guffaws gunpoint gunpoints gush gushes gushed gushing gusher gushers gusto gymnastics gymnast gymnasts haemoglobin haemoglobins hairpin hairpins halcyon hangar hangars hardback hardbacks hardline hardliner hardliners harpsichord harpsichords harpsichordist harpsichordists headset headsets headstone headstones heartache heartaches heartland heartlands heathland heathlands heifer heifers heinous heinousness heinously helium heliums hellenic hellenistic hepatitis herein hermitage hermitages hessian hessians heterogeneity heterogeneities heterogeneous heterogeneously heyday heydays hibernate hibernates hibernated hibernating hibernation hibernations hilarity hilarities hilltop hilltops hinterland hinterlands histology histologies histologist histologists histological hoarse hoarseness hoarsely honeycomb honeycombs hostelry hostelries hovel hovels hubbub hubbubs hue hues humankind humbug humbugs husky huskier huskiest huskiness huskily hutch hutches hydroxide hydroxides hyperglycaemia hyperglycaemias hysteria hysterias Iberia Iberian idiomatic unidiomatic idiomatically idyllic idyllically illusory illustrious illustriousness illustriously imbecile imbeciles impasse impasses impersonalising impersonalises impersonalisation impersonalised impersonalized impersonalize impersonalizing impersonalizes impersonalization impatience impatiences impeach impeaches impeached impeaching impeacher impeachers impeachable unimpeachable impeachment impeachments implore implores implored imploring impolite impoliteness impolitely impotence impotences impregnable impregnably impute imputes imputed imputing imputation inane inanely inanity inanities inbuilt incite incites incited inciting inciter inciters incitement incitements incriminate incriminates incriminated incriminating incrimination incriminations indemnify indemnifies indemnified indemnifying indemnification indemnifications indestructible indestructibly indifference indignation indignations indignity indignities individuation individuations ineptitude ineptitudes inert inertness inertly infamous infamously inferno infernos infidel infidels innards innuendo innuendoes inquisitive inquisitiveness inquisitively insidious insidiousness insidiously insolent insolently insolence insolences insomnia insomnias interlock interlocked interlocks interlocking intern interns interned interning internment internments interpersonal interpolate interpolates interpolated interpolating interpolation interpolations interpose interposes interposed interposing interstellar intestacy intestacies intravenous intravenously invasive noninvasive iota iotas ire ires ireful irksome irksomeness irksomely ironwork ironworks irradiate irradiated irradiates irradiating irradiation irradiations irreparable irreparably irretrievably irretrievable irrevocable irrevocably irritant irritants iterate iterated iterates iterating iteration iterations iterative jib jibs jibbed jibbing jibbings jibe jibed jibing jibes jp jps jubilation jubilations juxtapose juxtaposed juxtaposing juxtaposes juxtaposition juxtapositions kernel kernels kerosene kerosenes kestrel kestrels kindle kindles kindled kindling kinsman kinsmen knead kneads kneaded kneading kneader kneaders knitwear knitwears Koran Korans kudos kuomintang kuomintangs languish languishes languished languishing largesse largesses latvia latvian latvians launder launders laundered laundering launderer launderers lavish lavished lavishing lavisher lavishest lavishness lavishly lawsuit lawsuits leach leaches leached leaching leasehold leaseholds legitimise legitimises legitimised legitimising legitimize legitimizes legitimized legitimizing lentil lentils leprechaun leprechauns leprosy leprosies letterbox letterboxes libido libidos ligand ligands livery liveries loafed loafing loafs loafer loafers loathsome loathsomeness loathsomely locomotion locomotions locum locums loll lolls lolled lolling lookalike lookalikes lore lores ltd lukewarm lukewarmness lukewarmly lumbar luminary luminaries lunge lunges lunged lunging lurch lurches lurched lurching luscious lusciousness lusciously lustre lustres luster lusters lustrous lustrously lutheran lutherans machete machetes magnum magnums mainstay mainstays maladministration malaise malaises mane manes mannequin mannequins manslaughter manslaughters manufactory manufactories maori maoris marinate marinates marinated marinating mariner mariners masochistic masochistically masonry masonries maul mauls mauled mauling mauler maulers megahertz mhz melee melees melodramatic melodramatically memorabilia menial menially menstrual mentor mentors mesmerise mesmerises mesmerised mesmerising mesmerisation mesmerize mesmerizes mesmerized mesmerizing mesmerization messrs mete metes meted meting meteorite meteorites methanol methanols methyl methyls metropolis metropolises microbiology microbiologies microbiologist microbiologists microbiological microcomputer microcomputers microelectronics militate militates militated militating millet millets minion minions minuet minuets mirth mirths mirthless mirthlessly mirthful mirthfulness mirthfully miscalculate miscalculated miscalculates miscalculating miscalculation miscalculations miser misers miserly miserliness misfit misfits mislay mislaid mislays mislaying modulate modulates modulated modulating modulation modulations molar molars mollusc molluscs monastic monasticism monastically monochrome monochromes monogamous monogamously monosyllable monosyllables monosyllabically monosyllabic moratorium moratoriums morgue morgues mortise mortises mosaic mosaics multilateral multilaterally multimedia mussel mussels mythological mythologically nasal nasally nasality nasalities nasalize nasalizes nasalized nasalizing nasalization neon neons nervosa neuron neurons neuronal newsprint newsprints nitrous nocturnal nocturnally nodule nodules notepad notepads noteworthy noteworthier noteworthiest noteworthiness notoriety nozzle nozzles nub nubs nymph nymphs oblivion oblivions observance observances obviate obviates obviated obviating odeon odeons offing offings offshoot offshoots opal opals opaque opaqueness opaquely ornithology ornithologist ornithologists ornithological ostensible ostensibly ostentatious ostentatiously outbuilding outbuildings outmoded outstretched overburden overburdens overburdened overburdening overestimate overestimated overestimating overestimates overestimation overestimations overjoyed overkill overkills overkilling overkilled overland oversized overtone overtones pacemaker pacemakers pacify pacifies pacified pacifying pacification padre padres paediatrician paediatricians palatial palatially palliative palliatives pallor pallors panache panaches pancreatic panther panthers papal paragon paragons paraphernalia paraphernalias parasol parasols parch parches parching parched parenthesis parentheses parsonage parsonages patchwork patchworks pathogenesis pathogeneses patter pattering pattered patters paunch paunches paunchy paunchier paunchiest payload payloads payout payouts peacekeeping peacekeeper peacekeepers peacemaker peacemakers peered peering pelmet pelmets perestroika perestroikas perjury perjure perjured perjuring perjurer perjurers perjuries permeate permeates permeated permeating permeation pernicious perniciousness perniciously perpendicular perpendiculars perpendicularly perplex perplexes perplexed perplexing perplexity perplexities personify personifies personified personifying personification personifications pervasive pervasiveness pervasively pewter pewters pfennig pfennigs phallus phalluses phallic philistine philistines physiology physiologies physiologist physiologists piazza piazzas pickup pickups pied pike pikes pillage pillages pillaged pillaging pillager pillagers pimp pimps pimped pimping pinafore pinafores piracy piracies piranha piranhas placebo placebos placenta placentas placental placid placidly placidity placidities plagiarise plagiarised plagiarises plagiarising plagiarize plagiarized plagiarizes plagiarizing plagiarist plagiarists plagiarism plagiarisms plaid plaids plains plaza plazas plc pliable plinth plinths plummet plummeted plummeting plummets plunder plunders plundered plundering plunderer plunderers polity polities polka polkas polypropylene polypropylenes poodle poodles posse posses posthumous posthumously postmaster postmasters potash potashes potency potencies powerhouse powerhouses prank pranks precipice precipices precursor precursors precursory predate predates predated predating preen preens preened preening prehistoric prehistorically prelude preludes preposterous preposterously prescriptive prescriptively pretext pretexts prevaricate prevaricates prevaricated prevaricating prevarication prevarications primate primates priori prizewinner prizewinners prolific prolifically promiscuous promiscuously prophesy prophesies prophesied prophesying proponent proponents prostate prostates prostrate prostrated prostrates prostrating prostration proxy proxies psyche psyches psychedelic psychedelically psychoanalysis psychoanalyst psychoanalysts psychoanalytic psychoanalytically psychosis psychoses pulmonary puma pumas puny punier puniest puniness purvey purveyed purveys purveying purveyor purveyors pushover pushovers pvc pylon pylons python pythons quadrant quadrants quark quarks quartet quartets quartz quartzes quell quells quelled quelling quench quenches quenched quenching quencher quenchers quenchable unquenchable quill quills quip quipping quipped quips quirk quirks quirky quirkier quirkiest quirkiness radiology radiological rapture raptures enrapture enraptures enraptured enrapturing ravenous ravenously ravish ravishes ravished ravishing ravishingly raze razes razed razing reappraise reappraised reappraises reappraising reappraisal reappraisals rebirth rebirths reconstitute reconstitutes reconstituted reconstituting reconstitution rectum rectums refract refracted refracting refracts refraction refractions refractory refractor refractors regroup regroups regrouped regrouping rejuvenate rejuvenates rejuvenated rejuvenating rejuvenation rejuvenative remission remissions remodel remodels remodeled remodeling remodelled remodelling remonstrate remonstrates remonstrated remonstrating remonstration remonstrations renaissance renaissances rendition renditions renegade renegades reprisal reprisals repugnant requiem requiems reshuffle reshuffled reshuffling reshuffles respectability respectabilities respiration respirations resurgence resurgences rheumatic ringleader ringleaders romanticism rote rudiment rudiments rudimentary rudimentaries rugged ruggeder ruggedest ruggedness ruggedly ruminate ruminates ruminated ruminating rumination ruminations rundown rupee rupees rustic rusticity rusticities rustically sabbatical sabbaticals salutary salver salvers samoa samoan samoans sanctity sanctities sardine sardines saucy saucier sauciest sauciness saucily saunter saunters sauntered sauntering scam scams scant scanter scantest scantness scantly scanty scantier scantiest scantiness scantily scavenge scavenges scavenged scavenging scavenger scavengers scoreboard scoreboards scoreline scorelines scowl scowls scowled scowling scrawny scrawnier scrawniest scrawniness scruple scruples scuba scubas seabed seabeds seaboard seaboards seafarer seafarers seafaring seance seances sear seared searing sears searingly seizure seizures semblance semblances sensuous sensuousness sensuously sentinel sentinels Serbian serge serges serpent serpents serum serums antiserum antiserums antisera serviceable sett setts shank shanks shopfloor shopfloors shrill shriller shrillest shrillness shrilly shrilling shrilled sidekick sidekicks sidle sidles sidled sidling silica silicas silverware silverwares singe singed singes singeing skewer skewered skewering skewers skylight skylights skyline skylines slacks slapstick slimline slink slinks slinked slinking slunk slinky slither slithers slithered slithering sloop sloops slovenia slovenian slovenians slovene slovenes slovenly slovenlier slovenliest slovenliness smallholder smallholders snide snidely snipe snipes sniped sniping sniper snipers snorkel snorkels snorkelled snorkelling snorkeller snorkellers socioeconomic socioeconomically sodden soddenly soiled soiling unsoiled solace solaces solenoid solenoids sonar sonars songwriter songwriters songwriting sortie sorties sos spacecraft spacecrafts spokeswoman spokeswomen spontaneity spree sprees sprig sprigs squalid squalider squalidest squalidness squalidly squall squalls squally squallier squalliest squalor squalors squalour squalours staccato staffroom staffrooms stagnant stagnantly staid staider staidest staidness staidly stalwart stalwarts stalwartly stampede stampedes stanza stanzas starboard starboards steadfast steadfastly steadfastness steeped steeps steeping stench stenches stencil stencils stencilled stencilling stencillings stepfather stepfathers stilt stilts stimulant stimulants stipendiary stoat stoats stomp stomps stomped stomping straggle straggles straggled straggling straggler stragglers strident stridently strife stunted stunting stupor stupors sublime sublimely sublimity sublimities subtlety subtleties succulent suction suctions suffix suffixes suffixed suffixation sulphuric sunbeam sunbeams sunrise sunrises sunroof sunroofs superego superegos supermodel supermodels supplant supplants supplanted supplanting supremacy supremacies supremacist supremacists surety sureties surreal surrealism surrealist surrealists surreally surreptitious surreptitiously surreptitiousness suspense suspenses suspenseful swab swabbed swabbing swabs swarm swarms swarmed swarming swatch swatches sweetcorn sweetcorns swig swigged swigging swigs synagogue synagogues synopsis synopses syntactic syntactically syntax syntaxes tankard tankards tantalise tantalised tantalises tantalising tantalisingly tantalize tantalized tantalizes tantalizing tantalizingly tanzania tanzanian tanzanians tarot tarots teal teals tearaway tearaways teat teats teem teems teemed teeming televise televising televises televised temperate temperateness temperately intemperate intemperately tenacity tenacities tench tenement tenements tentacle tentacles tepid tepider tepidest tepidness tepidly tepidity tepidities tequila tequilas terminus terminuses thereupon thermos thermoses theta thetas thicket thickets throe threadbare throwaway throwaways thud thudded thudding thuds thwart thwarts thwarted thwarting tiding tidings tortilla tortillas tortuous tortuousness tortuously touchline touchlines touchstone touchstones tramcar tramcars transatlantic transmute transmutes transmuted transmuting transmutation treachery treacheries treacherous treacherousness treacherously treadmill treadmills treason treasons treasonous treatise treatises tremor tremors trilby trilbies trillion trillions triplicate triplicates tripper trippers trooper troopers trowel trowels trowelling trowellings tumult tumults tumultuous tumultuously turnstile turnstiles turpentine turpentines twirl twirls twirled twirling twirler twirlers typescript typescripts tyrannical tyrannically uk ultimatum ultimatums unadulterated uncouth uncouthly uncouthness underclass underclasses undercoat undercoats underhand underhanded underplay underplays underplayed underplaying undervalue undervalues undervalued undervaluing undervaluation unearth unearths unearthed unearthing unfurl unfurls unfurled unfurling unremitting unremittingly unscathed unzip unzipping unzipped unzips upcoming upholster upholsters upholstered upholstering upholsterer upholsterers upmarket uprate uprated uprating uprates upstream usurp usurps usurped usurping usurper usurpers usurpation utensil utensils uterus uteruses valet valets vane vanes vantage vantages varicose variegated vegetative vie vying vies vied volition volitions volitional waistband waistbands walrus walruses wane wanes waned waning warhead warheads washbasin washbasins wastepaper wastepapers waterwheel waterwheels wherein whereupon wherewithal wherewithals whimsy whimsies whimsical whimsically whimsicality whimsicalities whirlpool whirlpools wholesome wholesomeness unwholesome unwholesomeness wholesomely wiry wirier wiriest wiriness workbook workbooks wrest wrests wrested wresting wristwatch wristwatches writhe writhes writhed writhing wry wrier wriest wryly yesteryear yesteryears yew yews yoga yogas yon zigzag zigzags zoology zoological zoologically zoologist zoologists ENDLIST