Pronunciation change

Verb change

Plain form

Third-person singular

Past tense

Past participle

Present participle

  1. To scrape is to drag something with force across a surface.
    She was worried the heavy table would scrape the polished floor as it was being moved.
    He needed to scrape the mud off his boots before entering the house.
  2. To scrape is to make something smooth by rubbing.
    He could scrape off the rough edges to make the stone smooth.
  3. To scrape is to save or collect things with difficulty.
    After I lost my job, I had to really scrape to have enough money for the rent.

Noun change



  1. A scrape is the noise made by forced rubbing.
    He could hear the scrape of the table being dragged across the floor.
  2. A scrape is a wound made by rubbing.
    She had a nasty scrape on her knee after falling on the path.
  3. (slang) A scrape is a fight.
    The two boys got into a bit of a scrape during the football match.