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Images (or pictures) are used on Wiktionary to make a page more lively and easier for the reader to understand what the word means. As the Simple English Wiktionary is mainly for readers that can only understand basic English, it is important to use images to help the reader understand what the word means, especially if the definitions given may not be understood easily.
Wiktionary uses images from Wikimedia Commons, a central media repository with millions of images for use. If you have an image that you wish to add into a page, you can follow the instructions below and upload the image if it is your own.
Note: It is important to only add a few images to a page, as adding too many images may cause the reader to be confused. The best images that best describe the word should be used if possible.
Adding images to pages
To add an image to a page, you can use the following wikitext:
[[File:Image name.jpg|options|caption]]
In almost every situation, this is all that is needed:
[[File:Image name.jpg|thumb|caption]]
In this case, the caption will be shown below the image.
Available options
In the example above, options can be any of the following common options:
- Format option: border and/or frameless, frame, thumb (or thumbnail)
- This option changes how the image is formatted in the page. "thumb" is often used in adding images to entry pages.
- Resizing option: can be one of
- {width}px — This sets the width of the image in pixels without adding a limit to its height
- x{height}px — This sets the height of the image in pixels without adding a limit to its width
- {width}x{height}px — This sets both the width and height of the image in pixels
- upright — Resizes an image to fit within a reasonable width and height, according to user preferences (usually used for images whose height is larger than width)
- Note that the image will always retain its aspect ratio, and can only be reduced (not increased) in size unless it's in a scalable media type (bitmap images cannot be scaled up). The default maximum size depends on the format and the internal image dimensions (according to its media type).
- Horizontal alignment option: left, right, center, none;
- This option changes the horizontal alignment (and inline/block or floating styles) of the image within a text (no default value).
- Vertical alignment option: baseline, sub, super, top, text-top, middle, bottom, text-bottom;
- This option changes the vertical alignment of a non-floating inline image with the text before or after the image, and in the same block (the default vertical alignment is middle).
- Link option:
- link={target} — This changes the target (to another page or URL) of the generated link. Readers can click on the image to go to another page instead of the default file description page
- link= (with an empty value) — This removes any link and the user will not be able to click on the image to go to another page.
- This option is usually not used as it may cause problems for the copyright requirement of the image being used.
Any other text will be considered to be a caption for the image. The options above should be given in lowercase as well for it to be recognized.
There are various ways to format the way the image is being shown to the reader, the default being borderless. An example of how the "frame" and "thumb" options looks like is given below.
- Frame
The "frame" format places a frame around the image and show the caption for the image. The wikitext used in the example is:
[[File:Example.jpg|frame|Framed image]]
- The image will be shown at full size. If a size is included, it will not be used.
- This may not be useful for images that are very large.
- Thumb
The "thumb" (or thumbnail) format places a frame around the image and show the caption for the image, which is quite similar to the "frame" format. The wikitext used in the example is:
[[File:Example.jpg|thumb|Thumbnail image]]
- Thumbnailed images are shown with a maximum size of 200px. If the image is smaller than 200px it will be shown at full size. If a maximum size is included, the image will be shown at that size instead.
- Thumbnailed images are put on the right side of the screen by default, but can be changed accordingly if "left" or "center" is used.
- This option is usually used to format images on Wiktionary.
The size of an image can be changed by adding a size in pixels to the image tag. This is done by adding a number followed by the letters px. For example, 150px. 200 pixels (200px) is the normal size used for most images on Wiktionary.
- Framed images will not be changed by including a size. They are always show at full size.
- Thumbnailed pictures will be shown as 200px or the full size of the image (which ever is smaller) unless a specific size is given.
- Images with no frame type used will be shown at the full size of the image unless a size is given.
This is an example of how the image can be shown in 100px
in width:
This is an example of how the image can be shown in 200px
in width:
This is an example of how the image can be shown in 250px
in width:
Horizontal alignment
Images are shown on the left side of the screen by default (right if using "thumb" or "frame" options). This can be changed by setting the side that the image should be shown.
- Left
This is an example of putting the image on the left side of a page. The word left
is used here. This is the default setting for frameless format options.
Wikitext to use:
[[File:Example.jpg|left|Image on left]]
- Center
This is an example of putting the image on the center of a page. The word center
is used here.
Wikitext to use:
[[File:Example.jpg|center|Image on center]]
- Right
This is an example of putting the image on the right side of a page. The word right
is used here.
Wikitext to use:
[[File:Example.jpg|right|Image on right]]
Anything that is not a keyword is used as the caption of the image. Captions are only shown on images which have a frame. The caption is also shown when the user's mouse is over the image, with or without a frame type being used. Because keywords are case-sensitive, right is not the same as Right. right is a keyword, Right is used as a caption.
Captions should begin with a capital letter and should not use a period/full stop ( . ) unless the caption has more than one sentence. You may also link to another article in a caption. The subject of the word should be bolded in the caption.
Combining keywords
With the exception of using the frame and size (px) keywords together, all keywords can be used together in an image tag. If two keywords are trying to do the same thing the last one in the tag will be used. For example, if a tag has both left and right, the image will be put on the side of the page of which ever tag was added last.
- Example
[[File:Example.jpg|50px|this is a caption|left|frame|right|Left|Image: 50 pixels]]
This image will be displayed at full size, framed, on the right side of the page with the caption of Image: 50 pixels.
- The keyword 50px is not used because the frame keyword is used.
- The caption is Image: 50pixels because it is the last part of the tag which is not a keyword.
- The image is placed on the right side of the page because right is the last position keyword in the tag. The word Left is not a keyword because it is capitalized. It is treated as a caption.
Adding your own images
If you have searched for an image, but is not available, and you have it, we welcome you to upload it. However, uploads are not allowed on this wiki. We use the Wikimedia Commons to display images on our entries. Images can be uploaded onto the Wikimedia Commons and used on Wiktionary immediately.
See also
- Simple English Wikipedia's Manual of Style: Images
- Simple English Wikipedia's Manual of Style: Captions
- Wiktionary:Copyrights
- Wiktionary:How to edit
Related pages
change- Basic help
- Advanced help
Images (or pictures) are used on Wiktionary to make a page more lively and easier for the reader to understand what the word means. As the Simple English Wiktionary is mainly for readers that can only understand basic English, it is important to use images to help the reader understand what the word means, especially if the definitions given may not be understood easily. Wiktionary uses images from Wikimedia Commons, a central media repository with millions of images for use. If you have an image that you wish to add into a page, you can follow the instructions below and upload the image if it is your own. Note: It is important to only add a few images to a page, as adding too many images may cause the reader to be confused. The best images that best describe the word should be used if possible. Adding images to pagesTo add an image to a page, you can use the following wikitext: [[File:Image name.jpg|options|caption]] In almost every situation, this is all that is needed: [[File:Image name.jpg|thumb|caption]] In this case, the caption will be shown below the image. Available optionsIn the example above, options can be any of the following common options:
Any other text will be considered to be a caption for the image. The options above should be given in lowercase as well for it to be recognized. FormatThere are various ways to format the way the image is being shown to the reader, the default being borderless. An example of how the "frame" and "thumb" options looks like is given below.
The "frame" format places a frame around the image and show the caption for the image. The wikitext used in the example is: [[File:Example.jpg|frame|Framed image]] Note:
The "thumb" (or thumbnail) format places a frame around the image and show the caption for the image, which is quite similar to the "frame" format. The wikitext used in the example is: [[File:Example.jpg|thumb|Thumbnail image]] Note:
SizeThe size of an image can be changed by adding a size in pixels to the image tag. This is done by adding a number followed by the letters px. For example, 150px. 200 pixels (200px) is the normal size used for most images on Wiktionary.
This is an example of how the image can be shown in This is an example of how the image can be shown in This is an example of how the image can be shown in Horizontal alignmentImages are shown on the left side of the screen by default (right if using "thumb" or "frame" options). This can be changed by setting the side that the image should be shown.
This is an example of putting the image on the left side of a page. The word Wikitext to use: [[File:Example.jpg|left|Image on left]]
This is an example of putting the image on the center of a page. The word Wikitext to use: [[File:Example.jpg|center|Image on center]]
This is an example of putting the image on the right side of a page. The word Wikitext to use: [[File:Example.jpg|right|Image on right]] CaptionAnything that is not a keyword is used as the caption of the image. Captions are only shown on images which have a frame. The caption is also shown when the user's mouse is over the image, with or without a frame type being used. Because keywords are case-sensitive, right is not the same as Right. right is a keyword, Right is used as a caption. Captions should begin with a capital letter and should not use a period/full stop ( . ) unless the caption has more than one sentence. You may also link to another article in a caption. The subject of the word should be bolded in the caption. Combining keywordsWith the exception of using the frame and size (px) keywords together, all keywords can be used together in an image tag. If two keywords are trying to do the same thing the last one in the tag will be used. For example, if a tag has both left and right, the image will be put on the side of the page of which ever tag was added last.
This image will be displayed at full size, framed, on the right side of the page with the caption of Image: 50 pixels.
Adding your own imagesIf you have searched for an image, but is not available, and you have it, we welcome you to upload it. However, uploads are not allowed on this wiki. We use the Wikimedia Commons to display images on our entries. Images can be uploaded onto the Wikimedia Commons and used on Wiktionary immediately. See also |
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