Hello, Drum guy, and welcome to the Simple English Wiktionary!

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Good luck and happy editing!--Brett 01:40, 12 June 2008 (UTC)Reply



Hi Drum guy and welcome to simple:wikt. I've got a question for you: do you plan to actually add content to this page? Because as it stands, it's worthy of quick deletion. Not much happens around here so I don't have a problem with giving you until tomorrow morning (about 10 hours) to add actual content, but if I haven't seen change by then I'll delete it. We're glad to have you here, but we appreciate quality over quantity, and a page that consists of just an interwiki link just isn't very helpful to anyone looking for the definition of a word. · Tygrrr...

Chenzw was kind enough to add content and I have cleaned it up further. The links Brett has given you above should be useful in guiding you in how to add pages in the future. Thanks. · Tygrrr... 15:12, 12 June 2008 (UTC)Reply
Thank you very much :) I didn't realise that a page with just an interwiki link would be less useful than no page, so that's where I'm coming from, but I completely appreciate you taking the time to help! Hats off to you --Drum guy 23:26, 13 June 2008 (UTC)Reply