
Latest comment: 4 years ago by Minorax in topic sting

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This is the worst dictionary I’ve ever seen! Most of the time, you can barely find the definition of the word without scrolling through all of the other extraneous crap. How about definition FIRST, and then all of the other stuff! SOOO annoying!



you say the past of sting is stang, but then go on to give three examples, the first and third use the past simple but use stung, not stang. So, the question is, is the past of sting: stang or stung. Both exist, however, it seems that stung is now the accepted or more common. Some clarification would help here.

I believe that stang is rarely used now and stung is used in place of it. --Minorax (talk) 08:52, 5 June 2020 (UTC)Reply