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free is one of the 1000 most common headwords.
France - free - Friday

Pronunciation change

Adjective change




A sign advertising free beer (does not cost money to buy)
  1. If something is free, it does not cost money to buy.
    This loaf of bread is free. It costs $0.
    The government provides free healthcare for people who cannot afford it.
  2. If something is free, it is able to go (move) anywhere easily.
    A wild bird is free to go where it likes.
  3. If someone or something is free, it is carefree; it does not have any responsibilities.
    When she is not at work, she is free.
  4. If something is free, it is not blocked.
    The drain was free of anything blocking it.
  5. If something or someone is free, it is not in use.
    This chair does not have anyone sitting in it. It is free.
  6. (social) When something is free, it has no conditions or limitations to using or being in it.
    This is a free country. You can have your own freedom of speech here.

Related words change

Verb change

Plain form

Third-person singular

Past tense

Past participle

Present participle

  1. (transitive) If you free something or someone, you release it.
    She frees the birds because they do not belong in a cage.
    We officially free you from jail. You may go.

Related words change