on is on the Basic English 850 List.
- positioned at the upper surface of, touching from above
- The apple is on the table.
- at the date of
- Tim was born on the 4th of July.
- to an operating state
- I turned the television on.
- along, forwards (continuing an action)
- Shall we stop for lunch or shall we drive on?
- about, dealing with the subject of
- I have a book on history.
- There was a World Summit on the Information Society a few weeks ago.
- touching; hanging from
- I have no money on me at the moment.
- I would like to eat the fruit on the trees.
- because of, due to
- He was arrested on suspicion of bribery.
- I contacted Joanne on a hunch that she would know about it.
- The stock price increased on news of a new product.
- If something is on, it is active, functioning or operating.
- The television is on.
- The lights are on, so it is very bright.