User:Chaetodipus/math terms
(Redirected from User:Mikemoral/math terms)
Copied from en:User:Peleg/Mathematical Multilingual Lexicon
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changeGraph Theory
changegraph theoryTemplate:de:Graphentheorie Template:he:תורת הגרפים- acyclic
- adjacency matrix
- antichain
- antihole
- arc
- arc-connected
- binary tree
- bipartite
- bridge
- capacity
- cardinality
- chain
- choice number
- k-choosable
- chord
- chordal
- k-chromatic
- chromatic index
- chromatic number
- circle
- circuit
- circulation
- clique
- clique number
- colour class
- colouring
- comb
- compactness
- complement
- complete
- connected
- k-connected
- convex
- core
- critical
- crown
- cubic graph
- cuff
- cut
- cutvertex
- cycle
- cylinder
- Δ-system
- degree
- density
- diameter
- digraph
edgeTemplate:de:KanteTemplate:he:צלע,קשת- edge colouring
- l-edge-connected
- edge-connectivity
- embedding
- empty graph
- end degree
- endvertex
- equivalence
- Eulerian graph
- extremal graph
- face
- facial cycle
- flow
- forcing
- induced
- frontier
- generated
- girth
graphTemplate:de:GraphTemplate:he:גרף- greedy algorithm
- grid
- hamiltonian
- height
- hole
- hypergraph
- incidence
- independence number
- independent
- knotless
- Latin square
- leaf
- line
- list
- list colouring
- k-list-colourable
- loop
- minor
- multigraph
- neighbour
- network
nodeTemplate:de:Knoten,EckeTemplate:he:קודקוד, צומת- order
- r-partite
- path
- perfect
- planar
- plane
- proper
- radius
- ray
- region
- regular
- regularity
- simple
- spanning
- stable
- star
- subgraph
- supergraph
- torso
- total chromatic number
- total colouring
- t-tough
- tree
- triangulation
- trivial
vertexTemplate:de:Knoten,EckeTemplate:he:קודקוד, צומת
Set Theory
change- cardinal
- closure
- countable
- finite
- induction
- infinite
- interior
- ordinal
- power set
- set
- k-set
- union
- universal graph
- valency
- value
- vertex
- vortex
- walk
- wave
- wheel