they is one of the 1000 most common headwords.
therefore - they - thing







  1. "They" is used to talk about two or more people, not you or the person you are speaking to.
    I love Josie and Reg. They are nice people.
  2. "They" is used to talk about two or more things.
    Can you get the books for me? They're over there.
  3. "They" is used to talk about one or more person when you don't know the sex or number.
    If a person is fast, they can get there early.
  4. "They" is used to talk about people in general.
    When are they going to finish that new building?
    They say you should drink eight glasses of water a day.
Singular Plural
Subject Object Possessive 1 Possessive 2 Reflexive Subject Object Possessive 1 Possessive 2 Reflexive
First I me my mine myself we us our ours ourselves
Second you you your yours yourself you you your yours yourselves
Third Feminine she her her hers herself they them their theirs themselves
Masculine he him his his himself
Impersonal it it its its itself